...with a fifteen year gap between me and my youngest sister. I basically grew up with my nieces and nephews, three of them being older than me. My mother and sister were both pregnant at the same time, which from some of the stories I’ve heard through the years, was cause for much laughter. My friends in school couldn’t believe my mom was in her fifties when I was in high school since she didn’t look or act like someone in their fifties. I would have to say my earlier views and ideas about aging came from my family, friends, as well the media but especially my mother. From my earliest memories of her she was always active and had a zest for life which made her seem much younger than she was. It never really hit me until I was in high school that she was considered old by the standards of society at that time. Almost all of my friends’ parents were on average about fifteen years younger than my mom but they acted older. I’ll never forget when one of my friends asked how old my mom was and I said, “She’s fifty-five” the shock on her face somewhat surprised me. It wasn’t that they were shocked so much that she didn’t look her age but that she had a kid that was in high school at her age. That’s when I started really seeing the difference between my friends’ parents and my own. I also found myself doing the math; when I’m twenty-one, she’ll be sixty-one. I remember one instance when my brother in-law made a comment to my mother that had her hopping mad. He said, “Why don’t...
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...Running head: WHY YOUTH AGING OUT OF FOSTER CARE NEEDS SUPPORT? 1 Why youth aging out of foster care needs support? Antoinette Knowlton Strayer University Critical Thinking PHI 210 Dr. Ed Yancy March 16, 2013 WHY YOUTH AGING OUT OF FOSTER CARE NEEDS SUPPORT? 2 Why youth aging out of foster care needs support? Can you imagine today is your 18th birthday and you have no biological family to give you heartfelt happy birthday wishes and hugs? No one there to give you the “you’re eighteen years old today now what are you going to do with your life speech”. Can you imagine coming to the realization that you’re on your own now. Not even the government is responsible for you anymore. You’re now a member of a group that most don’t think about. You’re aging out of foster care. In 2005, 24,407 youth did what’s known as “aged out” of foster care. Aging out of foster care means youth between the age of 18 and 23 is no longer receiving state care without being reunited with their families nor adopted before leaving care (Collins, Clay & Ward, 2008). This represents an increase of 41% since 1998. Now it’s over 25,000 a year of youth aging out of foster care (US Department of Health and Human Services, 2006). It’s all on you to decide what road you will travel. But, how do you determine your route towards your destiny. This can be a very scary and intimidating time for these youth as they transition from the life...
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...from nurses leaving the profession because of job dissatisfaction, retiring baby boomers, increasing health demands with decreasing number of those entering the profession, shortage of nurse educators and nursing school, and lack of nursing program funding (Buchan & Aiken, 2008). Nursing shortage is not only a shortage of individuals with nursing qualification but also a shortage of qualified individuals who unwilling to work under current conditions. The American health care system is on a time bomb waiting to explode. The Nursing Shortage Influencing Factors Nurses leaving the profession because of job dissatisfaction Inappropriate distribution of nursing resources through inadequate career support, in appropriate skill mix and utilization, and poor retention incentives lead nurse’s job dissatisfaction (Buchan & Aiken, 2008). Inability of nurses to advocate for patients’ safety causes job dissatisfaction leading to poor job performance and negative patient outcomes. Therefore, nurses will leave the profession because of guilt and dissatisfaction for inability to perform to their best abilities. Aging Registered Nurses (RN) Workforce The fewer RN population entering the profession, higher aging nursing workforce, and increased health care demands related to aging population pose a serious threat to the American health care system. After years of dedication to the profession, the Baby Boomer generation including those in academic field is leaving the profession to enjoy...
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...simply from the spread of nurses that lack skills that are needed for the growing population and individual patient care. The work that nurses are hired to do is not that well understood, even by educators that are members of today’s nursing society. There is a vast gap in what the public thinks skilled nurses actually do. This reason alone is one of the causes of the nursing shortage that is happening. The nursing shortage also includes: (1) poor working conditions, (2) inadequate resources for nursing research and education, (3) nursing workforce aging, (4) women having expanded career options, (5) nursing predominantly females, and (6) complexity of health care and technology. Another factor added to the shortage is due to the way colleges and technical schools choose certain applicants that are admitted in the nursing programs. Many jobs would prefer an applicant have experience, but if someone is just getting out of school, they should count their clinical as some experience and consider all...
Words: 1901 - Pages: 8
...Impact Nursing Ageism is a kind of unfairness that affects discrimination on people based upon their age. Sexism and racism are related to ageism include being adverse customs concerning people of various ages Cherry, K. (n.d.). Aging unavoidably includes increased need for health-care assistance at any level also at any position for almost all grown Americans. A summary of the current status of older- healthcare rings with hard info. For example, based on the ILC’s 2006 statement on ageism in America, 90% of elderly Americans nevermore get regular screening examinations for prostate or colon cancer, bone density, or glaucoma—every disease state can advance with age. Sixty percent of elder grown-ups do not get regular preventive health assistance,...
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...It is an innovative program that provides respite and recreational services in a community based environment for the academic school year and prepares high school students with disabilities to live and work in the community, as independently as possible. Schenectady ARC also has a transportation service that is provided to over 500 individuals with intellectual and other developmental disabilities. They provide full service transportation to and from the destinations needed. The transportation consists of cars, vans and buses. Their transit company provides quality service, safety, and is compliance with the existing ADA regulations to individuals with disabilities in a most convenient and comfortable...
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...Initially, I remember feeling a fear and high stress level, as a returning adult to graduate school, after 10 years. I was worried that I would not have enough time with my hectic schedule, worried that I would neglect other areas of my life, and worried that I would fail. However, I have learned to balance my life and I must admit its a sacrifice well worth it. I have learned to take it one step at a time, by managing 1 stressor at a time, as I have been doing, although had failed to recognize or remember this as a returning student. This experience, was uncomfortable, yet exciting at the same time, as I become familiar I looked forward to both the challenge and learning. Lifespan theorist Paul Baltes was discussed initially during the class,...
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...These people found ways to play, have fun and socialize that worked for them. In a research article I found, the authors were looking at successful aging and what the correlates of self-reported successful aging are. They asked their sample population to rate how they were aging and also asked other questions, including rating the frequency of doing a list of social and individual activities. The activities included: crossword puzzles, reading, sports activities, playing cards, exercise, religious services, watching TV or listening to the radio, visiting with friends or family, completing artwork, attending classes/lectures, or reading (Montross, Lori P., et al, 2006). These are things that could be categorized as forms of play. The authors concluded that, as in past research, higher levels of self-rated successful aging were related to greater participation in activities which was related to greater happiness, better functioning and lower mortality (Montross, Lori P., et al, 2006). The more we stay connected, exercise our minds and bodies, we age better in our own eyes, even if we have health issues that may prevent some activities. This research definitely agreed with my observations. Adapting to aging minds and bodies need not exclude play, in fact it should give us more reasons to...
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...Building an Ethical Organization My new Human Service organization does not yet have a name. The services my organization provides are to help older foster children understand that they have an equal opportunity for their future as do others children who come from better- off families. This organization provides a personal look into the life of a professional with hands on job experience for the young adult. Provided is a week in a workplace of choice with the opportunity to shadow an individual and actually take on the responsibility of the career at hand. This is of course a career the foster child is interested in one day possible becoming a part of. A journal is also kept for each day for taking notes and writing the positives and negatives of their week to ensure an understanding of whether or not this career choice is still in favor. The clientele of this organization are human service workers who specialize in the foster child program. This is going to be a non- profit organization. It is going to be little to no cost to allow shadowing in a workplace for learning purposes. I do not feel this is necessary to be a profited organization. Our mission is to help teens in the state foster care program understand that they, too, have a chance at a successful future becoming part of any career they desire. It Is common for foster children to feel unwanted, unloved, worth less than others, or not even have a chance at success , (I was a foster child, so this is personal experience)...
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...depression, easing of Parkinson’s disease and hypertension. Here are some studies that scientists have finished and will prove how Tai chi can improve our well being. The first, practicing Tai chi improves balance. According to NIH—National Institute on Aging, a study was conducted to see how much progress the participants of Tai Chi could get on improving balance in Connecticut FICSIT site (1). Over 110 participants, who were all over age 80, were divided into four groups to receive balance training, computerized balance platform, resistance and weight lifting training, education training respectively for three months. And then, each participant joined weekly Tai Chi classes for six months after the intensive training period. The study result shows that practicing Tai Chi helps to improve the body’s balance level by 25-50%. This result proves that compared with other standard treatment methods, Tai Chi leads to significantly balance improvement than other methods. Therefore, it should be widely applied to the clinical practice. Practicing Tai chi also reduces the probability of falling for old adults. According to the May 1996 issue of the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, a study sponsored by the National Institute on Aging (NIA) gets the conclusion that “Tai Chi can significantly cut the risk of falls among older people and may be beneficial in maintaining gains made by people age 70 and older...
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...The article in the Toronto star by Judith Timothy published on September 26, 2013 titled, “Alcohol: the modern woman steroid?” this article deals with elderly adults and alcohol. I find this article interesting because of the high rate of alcohol related accident, illnesses, and cognitive decline in older adult. The stereotype surrounding elderly adult and how alcohol, and alcohol consumption is link to ageing. The exploration of this topic Unhealthy Living, Alcohol intake and Effect on Normative Aging will enable us understand better the effects of alcohol on health of older adult. This discourse will further, help us understand the myth, implication of drinking, and whether alcohol consumption causes ageing in older adults. Furthermore, the effects of alcohol in older adults as compares to younger adult will be investigated. Finding out how health impairment caused by alcohol can lead to anxiety, stress, and ultimately hospitalization will enable us look for ways to remedy elder adults from alcohol consumption. It is important to investigate, many other conflicting theories that claims, alcohol consumption impairs health, causes accident, and leads to Unhealthy Living, Alcohol intake and Effects on Norma-tic Aging. To begin with, the controversy surrounding alcohol and its link to ageing can be understood by defining health. In a nutshell, Health is the total lack of disease, complete mental, physical, spiritual and social well-being of an individual (Pender, 1996). The absence...
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...initiatives people are living longer and in better health than in the past. The irony is that this is one of the dynamics that will put a strain on our economic and healthcare systems in the future. “Today, 40 million people in the United States are ages 65 and older, but this number is projected to more than double to 89 million by 2050” (Jacobsen, Kent, Lee, & Mather, 2011). It is not easy to say who will and will not prosper during this time. Supplemental programs like Medicare and Medicaid were developed to assist the low income citizens with medical care cost. Will Medicaid and Medicare cover costs for long-term care? Can the low-income aging population afford long-term care, or will they have to depend on family for support? Will there be an adequate number of medical professionals to address the medical needs of the aging population? Are the “baby boomers” financially prepared for retirement needs? Will our supplemental programs be depleted in the near future? These are a few of the questions surrounding this issue that I will attempt to address in this paper. Long term care is a term often associated with medical care, but, it consist primarily of assisting with vital routine tasks of daily living such as bathing, and preparing meals on condition that they need this assistance because of physical or mental illnesses or disability. While medical care is usually followed by a doctor or skilled healthcare professional, long-term care can be delivered in a hands-on...
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...Running head: Disease Trends Disease Trends Joliene Hughes University of Phoenix Disease Trends According to the “gathering and using data for value based Health Care utilization”, the older “baby boomers and the older generation gets” the better it is for the health care system because they are aging and therefore will need more health care services to provide them with the care they will need in the future. Health Care costs are very high and it is because of chronic conditions, such as, “diabetes”, “coronary artery disease”, “Heart Disease”, “Cancer”, “Stroke”, “HIV or Aids”, “congestive heart failure”, “depression and asthma”, and the growing population in the “increase of obesity” not to mention the “lifestyles” people are living (“Gathering and Using Data for value-based Health Care Initiatives,” 2012, pp. 33-34) “According to Claiborne and Vandendurgh (2001)”, The disease trends in the United States of America is affecting millions of Americans today because usually some people wait until they are very sick until they decide to get the treatment they need, and when they wait it becomes more cost effective and the costs are then higher than usual because they wait until and become sicker or their illness will cost more to treat them, such as “diabetes”, if a male or female thinks they might have diabetes instead of them going to his or her family doctor they decide the “Emergency Room” would be better, which is not better because it cost more money to see a patient...
Words: 1923 - Pages: 8
...Unhealthy Living, Alcohol intake and Effects on Normative Aging 1 The article in the Toronto star by Judith Timothy published on September 26, 2013 titled, “Alcohol: the modern woman steroid?” this article deals with elderly adults and alcohol. I find this article interesting because of the high rate of alcohol related accident, illnesses, and cognitive decline in older adult. The stereotype surrounding elderly adult and how alcohol, and alcohol consumption is link to ageing. The exploration of this topic Unhealthy Living, Alcohol intake and Effect on Normative Aging will enable us understand better the effects of alcohol on health of older adult. This discourse will further, help us understand the myth, implication of drinking, and whether alcohol consumption causes ageing in older adults. Furthermore, the effects of alcohol in older adults as compares to younger adult will be investigated. Finding out how health impairment caused by alcohol can lead to anxiety, stress, and ultimately hospitalization will enable us look for ways to remedy elder adults from alcohol consumption. It is important to investigate, many other conflicting theories that claims, alcohol consumption impairs health, causes accident, and leads to Unhealthy Living, Alcohol intake and Effects on Norma-tic Aging. To begin with, the controversy surrounding alcohol and its link to ageing can be understood by defining health. In a nutshell, Health is the total lack of disease, complete mental, physical, spiritual...
Words: 1316 - Pages: 6
...The Impact of the Aging Population on the Health Workforce in the United States: Summary of Key Findings March 2006 This study was funded by the National Center for Health Workforce Analysis Bureau of Health Professions Health Resources and Services Administration Prepared by Center for Health Workforce Studies School of Public Health, University at Albany 7 University Place Rensselaer, NY 12144-3458 Impact of the Aging Population on the Health Workforce in the United States The expected growth of the older adult population1 in the U.S. over the next 50 years will have an unprecedented impact on the U.S. health care system, especially in terms of supply of and demand for health care workers. The supply of health care workers may decrease as they age and large numbers retire and/or reduce their working hours. At the same time, older adults consume a disproportionately large share of American health care services, so demand for health services will grow. The aging of the population will also affect the nature of the skills and services the health care workforce must be equipped to provide, and the settings in which this care is provided. The so-called “baby boom” generation (people born between 1946 and 1964) is already having an effect on the health care system and it is expected to grow as the century progresses. The number of Americans age 65 and older (35 million in 2000) will rise by more than 19 million to 54 million by 2020. From 2000 to 2050, the number of...
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