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Aicpa Code of Professional Conduct


Submitted By Rebeccamoore40
Words 448
Pages 2
AICPA Code of Professional Conduct
Rebecca Moore
August 18, 2014
Shanaika Muldrow

The AICPA is a community of accounting professionals numbering at more than 350,000 from all over the world. The AICPA is a code of conduct that is formed on the bases of six principles. These principles are “responsibilities, the public interest, integrity, objectivity and independence, due care, and scope and nature services” (Mintz & Morris, 2011). Each of these principles are used as a guide for the accountants performance of professional responsibilities and the commitment to uphold the publics trust even at the expense of personal benefits. This code of conduct is considered to be the foundation of ethical reasoning in the accounting field because it touches on all aspects of the accounting profession. It also protects all the parties that are involved, the accountant, investors, the public, and creditors. I believe that the three most important purposes of the AICPA is to protect the client, the public, and the accountant. I would say that the most important purposes of the AICPA because the client, the public, and the accountant are the individual parties that make a company succeed or fail. Protecting these individuals is accomplished by following the AICPA principles in all situations. The three main principles that do this are responsibilities, the public interest, and integrity. Accountants have responsibilities to anyone who employs their accounting services. They also have the “responsibility to cooperate with other accountants to improve the art of accounting and to maintain the public’s confidence” (Mintz & Morris, 2011). The second principle, the public interest, effects the public in a couple of ways. For example, the members of the AICPA are expected to behave in a fashion that protects the public’s interest, promotes trust in the public, as

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