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Air Pressure


Submitted By rammanne
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Science Project: Air Pressure (Egg in a Bottle)
Atmospheric pressure is the force that acts on any object by the weight of tiny air molecules. Molecules in the air are invisible but they still have weight and they occupy space. Air Pressure changes with the change in the altitude. As the altitude increases the Air Pressure decreases and the altitude decreases Air Pressure increases. At an higher altitudes we have to breathe more often than at the sea level. If you are on Mt Evans then your ears pop to maintain the pressure. This happens because we have to maintain the outside and inside pressure. Our weather patterns change because of the air pressure. Figure – 1 – Shows the air pressure based on the altitude Figure – 2 – Graph shows Pressure vs Altitude
There are various experiments that can be conducted to show Air Pressue. Let us do an Egg in a bottle experiment to show Air Pressure. Doing this experiment we will develop the hypothesis on the effects of air pressure on the egg and how it squeezes it into the bottle.

Experiment: Egg in a bottle
Things or items required to perform egg in a bottle:
1. Eggs
2. Saucepan and stove to boil the eggs.
3. Wide-mouth bottle and bottle mouth should be smaller than the boiled egg.
4. Vegetable oil.
5. Matches
6. Paper strips to burn Figure – 3 - Items required to perform the Experiment
What need to be done with the items listed above?
1. Take the eggs and add water into saucepan and boil them for 10 minutes on a medium heat. Let it cool down for about 25 minutes before adding them to cold water.
2. Using a paper towel rub the vegetable oil to the inside edge of the bottle mouth which acts as a lubrication between the bottle and egg.
3. Peel one of the boiled eggs and dip them in the water and set it with the small end down in the mouth of the glass bottle. We have to be careful and boiled egg should be little larger than the bottle mouth so that it does not fit into the bottle.
4. Using the matches light up the paper strip and drop it into the bottle and quickly place the egg in the bottle as mentioned in step number 3.

Figure – 4 shows how the pressure acts on the egg?

What happened to the egg and why the egg is pushed into the bottle?
Initially when the egg is placed on the bottle it will not get into the bottle because the diameter of the egg is larger than the diameter of the bottle mouth. At this point the pressure of the air outside the bottle and inside the bottle is same. So the only force that is acting on the egg is gravity and it is not sufficient to get the egg into the bottle.
When there is a change in the temperature of the air in the bottle it will change the air pressure. When we burn the paper and place it in the bottle it used the oxygen in the air to burn and carbon dioxide is released and as the air is heated up it becomes light and will try to push the egg up and escape. As the air cools down the egg is pushed down and acts as a seal. Once the air is cooled it creates the difference in the air pressure between the bottle and the room. The air pressure outside the bottle is high when compared to the air pressure in the bottle. This pressure difference pushes the egg into the bottle.
A reaction that happens in the bottle once we start burning the paper: carbon + Oxygen -> Carbon dioxide.
Can we get the egg back out of the bottle if yes how?
Yes, the egg that is pushed into the bottle can be pushed out of the bottle. It is the same principle that we used to push the egg into the bottle. We have to move the egg close to the bottle mouth and then we have to increase the air pressure in the bottle. This can happen by blowing air into the bottle or by using Vinegar and Baking Soda releases carbon dioxide that will increase the pressure in the bottle. This creates the air pressure difference in the bottle and in the room. As the air pressure is high in the bottle it will push the egg out of the bottle.
Using this experiment we can prove that the heat will increase and decrease the temperature of the air and this will have a direct impact on the air pressure. Using this experiment we can understand how a low pressure system and high pressure systems are formed on earth. How heat has a direct impact on the atmospheric pressure.

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