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Albert Einstein


Submitted By Airi123
Words 479
Pages 2
Albert Einstein Albert Einstein had little resistance attending school. Some say that Einstein had dyslexia. Einstein showed language impairments at a very young age. His family believed he may be slow because of the abnormal period of time before he began to talk. Between the ages of two and three Einstein began to speak whole sentences. According to most researchers they believed that Einstein was withdrawn from the world as a boy. When Einstein started school he did surprisingly well. At the age of 16 Einstein failed the college exam the first time plainly because he did not study and later learned that it’s a bad choice to not prepare for a test. Einstein is a clear example of a person who is listed with learning disabilities in today's schools. If you have the right approach to education than labels can’t stop you from making great accomplishments, which is proven by Einstein and others like Thomas Edison, Leonardo de Vinci, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Winston Churchill, and Walt Disney. Einstein made many contributions to mathematics. The first is the Special Theory of Relativity, which essentially deals with the question of whether rest and motion are relative or absolute, and with the consequences of Einstein’s conjecture that they are relative. The second is the General Theory of Relativity, which primarily applies to particles as they accelerate, particularly due to gravitation, and acts as a radical revision of Newton’s theory, predicting important new results for fast-moving and/or very massive bodies. The General Theory of Relativity correctly reproduces all validated predictions of Newton’s theory, but expands on our understanding of some of the key principles. Newtonian physics had previously hypothesized that gravity operated through empty space, but the theory lacked explanatory power as far as how the distance and mass of a given object could be transmitted through space. General relativity irons out this paradox, for it shows that objects continue to move in a straight line in space-time, but we observe the motion as acceleration because of the curved nature of space-time. The Photons and the Quantum Theory is in addition to the theory of relativity, Einstein is also known for his contributions to the development of the quantum theory. He postulated (1905) light quanta (photons), upon which he based his explanation of the photoelectric effect, and he developed the quantum theory of specific heat. Einstein’s work was included in other areas like being a physicist, a doctor, and a teacher. The making of the atomic bomb, his paper on the Brownian motion, the invention of "Einstein summation notation", and the famous equation E = mc2 are the relevance of Einstein’s contributions. Albert Einstein was one of the greatest mathematics in all of history. Einstein's intellect, coupled his strong passion for social justice and dedication, left the world with infinite knowledge

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