1. This purpose of this memorandum is to provide you with information that will help you to better prepare for the local Promotion Board.
2. The Promotion Board will evaluate you in the following areas: Personnel Appearance, Bearing, Self-Confidence, Oral Expression, Conversational Skills, Knowledge of World Affairs, Awareness of Military Programs, Knowledge of Basic Soldering, and Attitude.
3. The following three actions will ensure you have a successful Promotion Board appearance:
a. STUDYING. The Promotion Board MOI (Memorandum of Instruction) will tell you when the board is to take place, who the board members will be, and what subjects will be covered. Use the Battalion Study Guide to study the areas that will be covered, but also be prepared to answer other questions not covered in the MOI. Prepare to express your opinions on Local, National, and World Events by reading the newspaper in addition to watching the news. Know your Chain of Command and the Unit History.
b. PREPARING YOUR UNIFORM. I will check to ensure that the uniform of every soldier appearing before the Promotion Board fits properly. If needed, you will turn your uniform in for alterations and cleaning. When setting up your uniform, use a ruler to check that the placement of all items is in accordance with AR 670-1.
c. REHEARSING. Practice reporting to the President of the Promotion Board. Practice answering questions in order to build your self-confidence. If you don’t know the answer to a question, do not lose your Military Bearing, simply state that you do not know at this time. Be prepared to tell the Promotion Board members why you think you deserve to be promoted.