...imbalance * Disease model: * Agent: drug * Vector: dealers * Host: addict PSYCHODYNAMIC MODEL This involves the following * Drug abusers who are self-medicating * Drug abuse which is a symptom of underlying psychological problems * Drug use is also a maladaptive psychological coping strategy * Drug abusers also need to resolve internal conflict, and when they do, drug use will be unnecessary. SOCIAL MODEL This involves * Drug use as a learned behavior * People using drugs because drug use is modeled by others * Peer pressure * Environmental effects leading to drug use MORAL MODEL * Addicts are usually weak and can overcome a compulsion to use with willpower * Drug abusers are anti-social and should be punished for that * Drug are generally evil BIO-PSYCHO-SOCIAL MODEL * All the above are true, to greater or lesser degrees * Each person’s drug use is a result of some aspects of some or all the other models * Treatment and recovery require addressing the body, mind, social, nutrition, employment, family issues, psychological issues. On a broad inference, addiction is generally concerned with alcoholism so therefore we shall talk extensively on alcoholism. ALCOHOLISM Alcoholism is a broad term for problems with alcohol, and is generally used to mean compulsive and uncontrolled...
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...Alternative Names Alcohol dependence; Alcohol abuse Causes Alcoholism is a type of drug addiction. There is both physical and mental dependence on alcohol. Alcoholism is divided into 2 categories: dependence and abuse. People who are dependent on alcohol spend a great deal of time drinking alcohol, and getting it. Physical dependence involves: • A need for increasing amounts of alcohol to get drunk or achieve the desired effect (tolerance) • Alcohol-related illnesses • Memory lapses (blackouts) after drinking episodes • Withdrawal symptoms when alcohol use is stopped The most severe drinking behavior includes long drinking binges that lead to mental or physical problems. Some people are able to gain control over their dependence in earlier phases before they totally lose control. But no one knows which heavy drinkers will be able to regain control and which will not. There is no known common cause of alcoholism. However, several factors may play a role in its development. A person who has an alcoholic parent is more likely to become an alcoholic than a person without alcoholism in the immediate family. Research suggests that certain genes may increase the risk of alcoholism, but which genes or how they work is not known. Psychological factors may include: • A need for anxiety relief • Conflict in relationships • Depression • Low self-esteem Social factors include: • Ease of getting alcohol • Peer pressure • Social acceptance of alcohol use • Stressful lifestyle ...
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...of the disorder itself. Therefore, the most effective treatment approaches will include biological, behavioral, and social-context components. Recognizing addiction as a chronic, relapsing brain disorder characterized by compulsive drug seeking and use can impact society’s overall health and social policy strategies and help diminish the health and social costs associated with drug abuse and addiction (Leshner, 1997). Addiction as a Disease For decades, the orthodox view in neuroscience and psychiatry has been that addiction is a psychiatric disease (Jellinek, 1960). In 1968 it was included in the second revision of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, positioning it explicitly as a mental illness for the purpose diagnosis and treatment (APA, 1968). In the 1990’s, however following the new advances in neuroimaging, some of the biological mechanisms of addiction became apparent and some scientists conceptualized addiction as a disease of biological, rather than purely mental origins. For example, in his capacity as the director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse, Alan Leshner wrote that the reason we ought to think...
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...USE, ABUSE AND ADDICTION In 2008, among persons with substance dependence or abuse, the proportion with dependence on or abuse of illicit drugs also was associated with age: 60.6 percent of youths aged 12 to 17 were dependent on or abused drugs compared with 37.4 percent of young adults aged 18 to 25 and 24.3 percent of adults aged 26 or older. Ages of Teens Vs Types of Drugs Used: Among youths aged 12 to 17, the types of drugs used in the past month varied by age group. Among 12 or 13 year olds, 1.5 percent used prescription-type drugs (xanax, Percocet, oxycontin, etc) nonmedically, 1.2 percent used inhalants (huffing aerosols), and 1.0 percent used marijuana. Among 14 or 15 year olds, marijuana was the most commonly used drug (5.7 percent), followed by prescription-type drugs used nonmedically (3.0 percent), inhalants (1.3 percent), and hallucinogens (1.0 percent). Marijuana also was the most commonly used drug among 16 or 17 year olds (12.7 percent); it was followed by prescription-type drugs used nonmedically (4.0 percent), hallucinogens (1.6 percent), cocaine (0.7 percent), and inhalants (0.7 percent). Persons 12 and older, classified with substance dependence, addiction, or abuse in 2008: In 2008, an estimated 22.2 million persons aged 12 or older were classified with substance dependence or abuse in the past year (8.9 percent of the population aged 12 or older). Of these, 3.1 million were classified with dependence on or abuse of both alcohol and...
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...family relationships or personal SAFETY AND HEALTH, above all, are seriously and repeatedly interfered with. Alcoholism is considered a disease, meaning that it follows a characteristic course with known physical, psychological, and social systems. The alcoholic continues to consume alcohol despite the destructive consequences. Alcoholism is serious, progressive, and irreversible. If not treated, it can be fatal. It is generally thought that once the disease has developed, the alcoholic will not drink normally again. An alcoholic who abstains from drinking, however, can regain control over the aspects of life with which ALCOHOL interfered. The alcoholic is then said to be “recovering” not “cured” of the disease. It is important to note that the particular symptoms and pattern of DRINKING PROBLEMS may vary with the individual. ALCOHOLISM is, therefore, a very complex disorder, and it is this very complexity which has led some recent researchers to question the accuracy of the disease concept of alcoholism. A person does not have to drink every day to be an alcoholic. Moreover, someone who drinks frequently, or sometimes gets drunk is not necessarily an alcoholic. It is possible to abuse alcohol for a short or contained period of time without developing alcoholism. For example, some people may drink abusively during a personal crisis and then resume normal drinking. College students tend...
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...Healthy People 2010 Substance Abuse: Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. Alcohol abuse and Alcoholism Alcoholism (alcohol dependence) and alcohol abuse are two different forms of drinking problems. * Alcoholism is when you have signs of physical addiction to alcohol and continues to drink, despite problems with physical health, mental health, and social, family, or job responsibilities. Alcohol may control your life and relationships. * Alcohol abuse is when drinking leads to problems, but not physical addiction. Causes, incidence, and risk factors There is no known cause of alcohol abuse or alcoholism. Research suggests that certain genes may increase the risk of alcoholism, but which genes and how they work are not known. How much you drink can influence your chances of becoming dependent. Those at risk for developing alcoholism include: * Men who have 15 or more drinks a week * Women who have 12 or more drinks a week * Anyone who has five or more drinks per occasion at least once a week One drink is defined as a 12-ounce bottle of beer, a 5-ounce glass of wine, or a 1 1/2-ounce shot of liquor. You have an increased risk for alcohol abuse and dependence if you have a parent with alcoholism. You may also be more likely to abuse alcohol or become dependent if you: * Are a young adult under peer pressure * Have depression * Have easy access to alcohol * Have low self-esteem * Have problems with relationships * Live a stressful...
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...Alcohol Use/Abuse Assessment Alcohol has been found to be the most commonly misused substance in the United States. There is an estimated 8-16 million people who become physically dependent on alcohol (Doweiko, 2012). Alcohol use disorder (AUD) is a term used to identify those individuals whose alcohol consumption has caused negative consequences for them socially, physically, emotionally, and vocationally. Successful treatment of an AUD includes creating a treatment plan for the individual to use as a guide during the rehabilitation process. The following treatment plan will assess the client’s need for alcohol dependence treatment by studying the client’s past and present usage, background, family history, any past or present medical conditions, behavior, and reasoning for entering treatment. Reason for Assessment The client, Bob M., is being assessed at this time based on concerns of his parents about his current alcohol abuse and its effects on his educational aspirations. Bob has failed the first year of college despite having above average intelligence and no previous problems in school. Bob’s parents have stated that financial support for further education will become unavailable if his behavior remains unchanged. Considering that alcohol-induced damage to the hippocampus region of the brain is a possibility for the college drinker (Doweiko, 2012), Bob is in danger of suffering long-term damage in memory processing and information retrieval. Bob has expressed a willingness...
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...Alcohol and Substance Abuse Disorder Substance abuse is the continued use of any medication, non-medically indicated drug, or toxins such as but not limited to opioids, benzodiazepines, sedatives, stimulants, cannabinoid drugs, cocaine-based drugs, hallucinogens, inhalants, and alcohol. Those with substance abuse often fail to meet social and professional obligations, and they are subjected to interpersonal conflicts as well as legal problems. Substance abuse is more frequently diagnosed among those who are just beginning to take drugs. Substance abuse is often an early symptom of substance dependence, however while substance abuse could eventually evolve into substance dependence or addiction, substance abuse can linger for extended periods...
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...Military Versus Civilian Alcohol Dependency Military personnel are more likely to be alcohol dependent than civilians, which is due to the high stress and pressures of the military culture, lifestyle, combat, and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Imagine what it feels like returning home after a 12 month deployment to the Middle East. What do you do when you feel there is nowhere to go? You go where you feel most comfortable--alcohol. There are many causes and factors for alcoholism. These factors influence many people to drink and contribute to a higher count of alcoholism in our society. Alcoholism is sometimes caused or influenced by genetic, psychological, social, and environmental factors. This also includes how it affects your body and behavior. Some additional factors include age, family history, steady drinking over time, mental health and depression, social and cultural factors, and combining alcohol with medications or illegal drugs. (Emmite, et.al, Remedy’s health communities’ mental health; alcohol abuse, May 2001) One of the main causes of alcoholism is the genetic component. There are some scientists that suggest that there is a genetic component that plays a role in certain areas of alcoholism. Those areas are having an increased risk for alcoholism, having an increased tolerance, and having ongoing cravings for alcohol. Although the genes themselves have not been identified, there have been a number of studies. Some of these studies were...
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...and dependence is possible. However, addictive behaviors that are considered damaging or destructive have characteristics that distinguish them from normal behavior (see common characteristics of destructive addictions. Examples of common destructive addictions are alcohol intoxication, alcoholism, cocaine abuse, drug dependence and abuse, methamphetamine abuse, narcotic abuse, and substance abuse. People with addictions often cannot quit on their own. Addiction is an illness that requires treatment. Treatment may include counseling, behavioral therapies, self-help groups or medical treatment. People often assume that those with addictions should be able to quit by simply making up their minds to do so. Addiction is thought to be possible for a wide range of chemical substances. Dependence, most often related to physical symptoms, can occur for a subset of the chemicals that cause addiction. For instance, rarely an individual is prescribed a medication by a doctor for a legitimate reason (such as pain after an injury) and this can lead to physical withdrawal symptoms if this medication is stopped. Even more rarely, this post-medical treatment drug dependence can lead to drug abuse. People with drug abuse problems are individuals whose brain biochemistry has been altered by alcohol or drugs. * The words addiction, drug addiction, alcoholism, and chemical dependency are common terms for abuse of alcohol or drugs. Addiction (or drug abuse) is often confused with dependence. Many...
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... PSY/400 Substance abuse has been a main stay in our society for years and is seen as a nonproductive way of life. It can lead to dependency with certain drugs. There is a huge range of drugs that can be consumed in various ways such as alcohol by drinking, cocaine by free basing, smoking or snorting. amphetamines, benzodiazepines and opiates comes in pill or powder form and is just as deadly if improperly used. Some of these drugs are illegal in some countries and when improperly used in America can lead to criminal prosecution. If caught in possession of or under the influence of, a harsh penalty will be levied in a mix of monitory compensation as well as prison time. In this paper we will discuss the nature and historical issues of drug abuse accompanied by how it has affected the society in which we live. We will also present two elements or main points to suggest that drug abuse is a losing battle that will take you on a ride you will never forget. We will also justify the use of these elements by connecting them to various motivations of altruistic behavior as identified in social change theory. Our final discussion in this paper will be the implication of intervention and prevention. Public health practitioners such as doctors, psychologist and psychiatrist have undertaken a number of studies into drug abuse from an individual basis to social culture and availability. They have developed phrases...
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...Chemical Dependency Paper Chemical Dependency Paper This paper will discuss Chemical Dependency or Substance Dependency and Substance Abuse in Adolescents; specifically the development, progression and biopsychosocial of dependency and abuse in the adolescent population. The definition of epidemiology and diagnosis will be addressed. Lastly three treatment options including the range of severity will be provided. There is difference between substance abuse and substance dependence. The distinction between the two is characterized by the role they play in a person’s life. Substance dependence is defined in terms of physiological and behavioral symptoms of substance abuse, and substance abuse in terms of social interaction and consequences. (Wikipedia, 2008) Substance abuse refers to the repeated and excessive use of drugs that are illegal or harmful to the individual and causes significant adverse consequences. Symptoms in adolescents who are abusing and using substances include: “failure to meet family or school obligations, interpersonal conflicts, legal problems. Other adverse consequences include accidents or injuries, blackouts and risky sexual behavior.” (Wikipedia, 2008) Substance dependence is when the frequent and repetitive use of drugs becomes habitual and a physical dependence occurs. Substance dependence in adolescents is identifiable by negative physical symptoms, which usually includes tolerance of the drug (requiring higher doses to achieve the...
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...Alcoholism in Adult Magoha Mayagila Research Paper, Psych 2301 Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) is a non-curable mental disorder that’s affects millions of people worldwide. According to national institute on alcohol and alcoholism, 1 in 12 adults in U.S is suffering from AUD. If not diagnosed early, AUD can effects a person life psychologically, socially and economically. Despite affecting the general population, studies have shown men are two to three times more likely to develop AUD than women due to generic differences (Mettmann D 2014). The androgen receptor (AR) gene, located on X chromosome contains a common polymorphism involving cytosine-adenine-guanine (CAG) repeats, which impacts disease and could contribute the unequal sex ratio in alcoholism (Mettman D 2014). Even though men are more susceptible to AUD, the effects of AUD on women health is enormous compared to men. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) is a psychological tool that have been used to collect mental disorder statistics since 1840. By 1952 American Psychiatric Association developed DMS-I to diagnose mental disorders. Prior to 2013, DMS-IV was the tool of choice for clinical diagnosis for alcoholism. DMS-IV categorized alcoholism into two distinct disorders, alcohol abuse and alcohol dependency; and two distinct criteria, abuse and dependency based on 11 symptoms. Alcohol abuse is defined as a behavior at which a person drinking pattern leads to undesirable acts and behavior...
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...Substance Abuse Kyra Prall HCA/250 3/3/2013 Marie Smith Substance Abuse Using drugs started in the early centuries. Smoking tobacco became popular after Christopher Columbus discovered the positive affects of smoking tobacco leaves. Alcohol was seen as a gift from God, and other drugs stemmed from thrill seekers trying different chemicals and natural substances for pleasure. When using drugs frequently a psychological and physical dependence occurs due to the pleasure and relief assoaciated with drug use. Drug use is most commonly started through peer pressure, model observation, and advertisement. The use of tobacco is commonly started in the early 20’s of an adult. There are a number of reasons why people may start to smoke tobacco. As a child growing up, children may see their parents or older siblings smoking cigarettes making them want to try it. As children grow into young adults, they are either pressured into smoking cigarettes or they see their favorite role models smoking cigaerretes. Teenagers usually view cigarettes as the cool thing to do and start becoming regular smoker in the early 20’s. At this age many people have higher risk factors such as having kids, not graduating from college, low paying jobs, or problems with their appearance. Although cigarettes may have a positive feeling as far as calming the person, or realiving stress, there are also negative factors. A persons health is damaged by cigarettes. The nicotine in the cigarette causes psychological...
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...[pic]Drug dependence - Overview Alternative Names Drug addiction; Addiction - drug; Dependence on drugs Definition of Drug dependence: Drug dependence means that a person needs a drug to function normally. Abruptly stopping the drug leads to withdrawal symptoms. Drug addiction is the compulsive use of a substance, despite its negative or dangerous effects. A person may have a physical dependence on a substance without having an addiction. For example, certain blood pressure medications do not cause addiction but they can cause physical dependence. Other drugs, such as cocaine, cause addiction without leading to physical dependence. Tolerance to a drug (needing a higher dose to attain the same effect) is usually part of addiction. Causes, incidence, and risk factors: Drug abuse can lead to drug dependence or addiction. People who use drugs for pain relief may become dependent, although this is rare in those who don't have a history of addiction. The exact cause of drug abuse and dependence is not known. However, a person's genes, the action of the drug, peer pressure, emotional distress, anxiety, depression, and environmental stress all can be factors. Peer pressure can lead to drug use or abuse, but at least half of those who become addicted have depression, attention deficit disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, or another mental health problem. Children who grow up in an environment of illicit drug use may first see their parents using drugs. This may put them at a...
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