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Alcohol In Alaska Research Paper

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Depression, loneliness, and the constant need to drink in order for the individual to not feel any sense of pain are only a few reasons why people abuse alcohol. Reasons like these can cause someone to be dependent on alcohol for happiness, but when will they realize that alcohol cannot give them happiness? When will they realize that alcohol could potentially make their problems worse? Coming from a rural town in Alaska, I see the harmful effects alcohol has on our society; however, alcohol never used to be a problem in communities in Alaska, but somehow, it has become a substance that ruins families, culture, and nonetheless, lives. Cultures throughout Alaska were not introduced to alcohol until exploration of North America started to come to play. Before the exploration began, the native communities lived a dry lifestyle; furthermore, their way of living was not easy; Alaska was not as developed as the rest of North America. The indigenous cultures of the area roamed the tundra, forests, mountains, and the Arctic desert in search for survival and a place to call home. Families and friends were close, people were poor, but they were …show more content…
Before alcohol was introduced to the indigenous people, their culture was alive and full of spirit, happiness, and everyone wanted to do their part to keep it alive, but ever since alcohol was introduced to indigenous people, the love for the preservation of the culture began to slowly die. People seem to be too hung up on alcohol that they forget about their culture and how much culture can offer to a community such as always having someone there for you when in need and how the indigenous culture could bring happiness and a sense of identity to the individuals. Instead of being identified as native or indigenous, most individuals and families are being identified as a bunch of drunks with a bad

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