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Alcohol Withdrawl Research Paper

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Alcohol Withdrawl
Alcohol with withdrawl can be a lifethreating illness that effects people whom drink heavily and decide to abruptly stop or significatnly reduce their consumption. Symptoms of minor alcohol withdrawl can include: Tremors, nausea, vomiting, sweating, shaking hands, headache and insomnia and can occure as little as six to twelve hours after a person stops drinking. During the following twelve to twenty-four hours a person can experience visual, auditory and halluciations, often referred to as "Alcoholic Hallucinations." However, these hallucinations can occur as little as two hours after drinking has ceased and a patient has a higher risk of experiencing a seizure if prior detoxing attempts have been made. Delirium tremens …show more content…
These transmitters produce feelings of well-being and contentment. Chronic alcohol comsumption can surpress the neurotransmitters, therefore requiring a larger quanity of alcohol is required to acheive the desired effects. This action leads to an increase in alcohol consumption and often times addiction.
Long-term Affects of Alcohol
Begin your fourth paragraph here. This is a body paragraph. It should follow the SESC formula: State, Explain, Support, Conclude. The first sentence states the paragraph’s topic. The second sentence explains the paragraph’s topic with more detail. The third, fourth, and fifth sentences should provide support for the paragraph’s topic. If you are using sources, a good place to put them is in the support section. The last sentence of the paragraph concludes and refers back to the paragraph’s main topic.
Nursing Care for a Patient Experiencing Alcohol Withdrawl
Alcohol is a central nervous system depressent that slows the respiratory system down, careful nursing assessments and interventions are crutial to keeping patients safe during the withdrawl period. Important labs, nursing care and CIWA-Ar guidelines are stated …show more content…
⦁ CBC to determine hemoglobin and hematocrit levels that may identify anemia from GI bleeding from chronic alcohol abuse and possible infections
⦁ Gluclose/Ketone Levels to determine hypoglycemis or hyperglycemia related to pancreatitis
⦁ Electrolyte lmblances are common, such as: hypkalemia and hypomagnesmia
⦁ Nutritional Testing to determine if Albumin levels are low with decreased vitamins, reflecting malnuttrion and malabsorption.

Evidenced-Based Nursing Priorities are as follows:
⦁ Maintain psyiological and emotional support during withdrawl period
⦁ Maintain patient safety
⦁ Identify stages of alcohol withdrawl
⦁ Administer Benzodiazipines to prevent stages of alcohol withdrawl progession
⦁ Administer Magnesium Sulfate to reduce tremors
⦁ Administer Haloperidol to reduce Hallucinations
⦁ Provide a calm environment for
⦁ Encourage support, recovery process
⦁ Provide information regarding recovery, treatment and prognosis
⦁ Provide appropriate referal and follow-up

CIWA-Ar Alcohol Assessment Scale (Revised) is as follows:
⦁ Nausea and Vomitting
⦁ Tremor
⦁ Tactile

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