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Life Interview Research Paper

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The main reason of choice of L.K. for the Life Interview is he was very close to my grandpa. My grandpa and he grew up together in the same place. My grandpa and he shared similar kind of childhood. Unfortunately, I lost my grandpa two years ago, so I wanted to interview him and listen his memories which will help me to remember my grandpa. This would be interesting and I will get to know more about him and my grandpa childhood life.
L.K is a 78-year-old Asian male living with his family in Irving, Texas. He was born in Nepal and immigrate to the United States in 2010. L.K. has one brother and two sisters. He was the oldest son in the family. He was from a small village in Nepal and was a farmer. He never went to school due to the poor family background. L.K. started working on the farm since he was small. He has two sons and one daughter. L.K. wife died five years ago due to stroke. Now he is living with his youngest son in Dallas. L.K mention his childhood was not that happy compared to other people. His childhood was very short, as the responsibility of the family came to him at an early age. Since he was the oldest son in the family, all the responsibility was on his shoulder. He had to take care of his …show more content…
was an enlightening experience for me as I get to learn a lot from conducting this interview. The most significant point of this interview was that L.K. could focus on his successes and his positive time of life and he could forgive others that have done wrong to him. The most difficult part of this interview was when he talked about the death of his wife as I felt sad for but I was not able to stir the conversation to different topic as he kept on talking about their relationships. After this interview, I have great respect for elderly because they might be in different psychological condition based on their past. For that reason, I will be very respectful and caring of elderly in my clinical

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