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Alfaro V. Cambridge Case

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Camden Wenck 502 S. 5th St. Eldridge, IA 52748.

May 9, 2024

Scott County Courthouse 400 W. 4th St. Davenport, IA 52801.

Dear Jury Members:

A friendly party hosted by Mr. Adams at his new house. He likes coffee a lot more than other drinks. Mr. Alfaro, a new friend of Mr. Adams, decides to be kind and pour a cup of coffee for Mr. Adams. Mr. Adams decides to get sugar for his coffee. He pours the “sugar” in his coffee and drinks it and dies. It turns out the “sugar” was rat poison. Mr. Bennett is falsely accused and is not guilty of this crime and there is reasonable doubt. Mr. Alfaro had access to rat poison and was the only one who had access to it at the party. Mrs. Reid had also invited Mr. Alfaro and she was always jealous of Mr. Adams, …show more content…
Adams body. The strongest reason is that Mr. Alfaro was near the crime scene and was the only one that had access to rat poisoning.The police officer testified that Mr. Alfaro prints were found all over the coffee mug and the cup had contained rat poisoning. He had also testified that there was a bag of sugar and a bag of rat poisoning that were the same color and size and they were located right next to each other.To add on to what has been said, Mr. Alfaro had stated that he was an exterminator and that the type of rat poisoning that had killed Mr. Adams was only available to exterminators. If the rat poisoning was only available to exterminators, then how would Mr. Bennett ever have access to the rat poisoning? It was also stated that Mr. Alfaro was a new friend to Mr. Adams and that Mrs. Reid had brought him there. So, Mr. Alfaro also could have placed the …show more content…
Adams. Mrs. Reid had invited Mr. Alfaro to the party and they were seen by each other a lot and seen whispering throughout the party. If Mr. Alfaro was only there because Mrs. Reid and Mrs. Reid wanted his money. I think that this was a two-part mission, with Mrs. Reid hiring Mr. Alfaro to kill him. It had also said that Mr. Adams had poor eyesight and the sugar and the poisoning were both by each other and Mr. Alfaro had also stated that he had poured Mr. Adams drink. He could have purposely poured it with no sugar so Mr. Adams could get the sugar and the rat poisoning mixed up and make it seem like an accident. In addition, I could see how he was guilty because he was the only one who had rat poisoning on his hands and he went straight to the body and checked for a pulse even though he knew he was dead. This is not true, but true. The rat poisoning had ended up on his hands because when he had knelt down by the body, there was rat poisoning in the coffee so it was possible that he had touched the coffee and got rat poisoning on his hands. Mr. Bennett had checked his pulse to make sure he was dead. It can not be Mr. Bennett because how could he get the rat

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