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National Honor Society Application Essay Examples

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Standing at the crossroads of challenge and opportunity, I, Hannah Dempsey, realized that every obstacle I faced was a stepping stone towards my aspirations. From doing a community project, that taught me the value of leadership and responsibility, to navigating the complexities of the coronavirus pandemic. My journey has been marked by a relentless pursuit of excellence and a strong commitment to making an impact in the future. I have been honored to be able to do countless community service projects. I have serviced for Bundles of Hope, American Childhood Food Association, Walk for Warriors, Wreaths Across America, etc. Each service project I was able to attend, I learned about leadership, communication, and compassion. I have been so thankful …show more content…
I learned that leadership is not a position of authority, but rather influencing and inspiring others to work together for an easy goal. I have been thankful to receive awards and honors throughout my academic career. To start off, I am a part of the National Honors Society, which is for students with a 4.0 GPA or higher. Being in this program has taught me that when you strive hard to get something, you will be rewarded and noticed. Another achievement I made academically is being the Vice President for HOSA in my career tech class in 2022-2023. HOSA is the Health Occupations Students of America, in which I was able to get verified in Basic Life Support (BLS). This next achievement I have made is both academically and personally achieved. I was honored to be a part of a program called the Youth Leadership Development Program. This program helped me develop leadership skills, patriotism, and faith. I did over 20 service programs and helped raise thousands of dollars to help our heroes. The reason why I say this was also a personal achievement is because I had to work so hard for this scholarship. In this program, I realized you really do have to work for what you want, even when some people

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