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Alfred Kinsey

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Alfred Kinsey is recognized as the first person to explore sexuality from a scientific perspective. He began this examination while studying gall wasp mating patterns and later extended his work to human subjects. At the time of Kinsey’s study looked deep into sexual activity like masturbation and oral sex, which at the time was frowned upon. The social norm during the time period that Kinsey was doing research was that individuals should save themselves for marriage. Kinsey used in-depth, face-to-face interviews by highly trained interviewers. When he published Sexual Behavior in the Human Male it was conducted of a sample size of 5300 white males. When he published Sexual Behavior in the Human Female it was conducted of a sample size of 5940 white females. The majority of the male and female participants were younger white adults with some college education. Alfred Kinsey did a variety of topics from anal sex to sadomasochism. A few examples from the Kinsey’s …show more content…
She only interviewed women about the attitudes and practices. She interviewed 45 women about their sexual attitudes and practices and this was the very first time any scientific researcher had done so. Henry Ellis work contributed to the study of human sexuality from a scientific perspective, bringing about a change in public attitudes toward sex in general. He pointed out that sexual behavior is the most elemental of all human behavior, and that taboos surrounding it were created by people’s ignorance about this important aspect of their lives. Clelia Mosher findings highlighted the idea that these women did not match the stereotype of the sexually repressed Victorian. It was also important because it was the first time that any scientific researcher conducted a sex survey. Henry Ellis work greatly contributed toward the demystification of sexual behavior, which was rather dominant in the age and society in which he

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