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All About Law


Submitted By katherine17
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Glowing Bodies
A WebQuest for Lighting up the Night: Bioluminescence

How do fireflies glow? Did you know that fish and coral can also glow in this manner? In this WebQuest, you will learn more about bioluminescent organisms—living things that glow. You will then create an educational pamphlet that shows how bioluminescence is effective in these organisms.

You work with the educational outreach program at a local zoo. As part of a new exhibit, the zoo would like you to create an educational pamphlet on bioluminescent organisms. Your pamphlet should be well-researched and describe at least five different bioluminescent organisms.

Use the Internet to conduct your research. Begin by reviewing the basic characteristics of bioluminescence and how bioluminescence works. Then find out the following regarding at least five different bioluminescent organisms. 1. What are the common and scientific names of the organism? 2. Provide a description of the organism. What is its habitat? 3. What adaptive advantage does the organism gain from its bioluminescence?

Once you have completed your research, create a pamphlet that illustrates your findings. Your pamphlet should include a brief introduction on bioluminescence, and it should address all the points above for all five of the organisms that you selected. Your pamphlet should also be well-organized and be of professional quality. Finally, you should include a bibliography of your sources at the end of your pamphlet.

There are many great resources for information on bioluminescent organisms on the Internet. These include sites maintained by educational and government institutions as well as sites maintained by science news organizations.

Read this rubric to see how you will be scored on this activity.

Criteria | Points | | 0 | 5 | 10 | 15 | | Task | The task was not completed. | It appears that some effort was made to complete the task, but major ideas are missing. | The task was completed, but some information was incorrect. | The task was completed with great attention to detail. | | Process | The process was not followed. | The process was followed, but not all of the points were addressed. | The process was followed, but some information was inaccurate. | It was clear that much research went into the project. All of the points were addressed in thorough detail. | | Pamphlet | The pamphlet was neither informative nor of professional quality. It did not include all of the required elements. | The pamphlet addressed all of the points, but it was not of professional quality and the bibliography was missing. | The pamphlet was informative and engaging. It addressed all of the points in the process. The bibliography was missing, however. | The pamphlet was informative and engaging. It addressed all of the points in the process. An appropriate bibliography was included. | | Total Score |

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