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Law Of Polarity Research Paper

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Just as there are physical laws that govern how the physical world works, gravity, for example, there are also laws that govern how the universe works. Understanding these laws is critical to achieving success, learn them and work with them, not against them.

1. The Law of Perpetual Transmutation

Basically, this law states that what starts as energy changes into what is physical. Everything around you, everything you see, hear, smell, touch, or taste began as energy.

The vibration of that energy forms what is physical. Everything is in constant motion, and that motion is always changing. Energy can not be created or destroyed, just moved and changed. Our thoughts make themselves manifest in the physical world. In other words, what we think …show more content…
There is no such thing as a one-sided coin. No object has only a left side without a right side.

Because everything not only has an opposite, but the opposite is also equal, we've got an immutable law that we can understand. If you measure the room and find it is eighteen feet from the wall to the door, you'll find it's also eighteen feet from the door to the wall.

Seems pretty obvious, but the understanding of this law will really change how you look at life. Say something you think is really bad happens to you, according to the Law of Polarity, there must be something equally good about it, too. Mathematically, if something happens to you that you see as only being a little bit bad, the flipside is that there's also a little bit of good in that, too.

Because of the Law of Polarity, you also get to choose your thoughts on every occurrence in life, is this a good thing or a bad thing? In reality, it just is. But you have the privilege of interpretation, you can choose to view it as a positive or a negative. From that choice, you set vibration in motion, determine your feelings, and ultimately your actions and results.

5. The Law of

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