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Overcoming Failure Research Paper

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I remembering noticing failing at things that many other people my age may have managed to succeeded in. I failed at graduating high school. I failed at not attending college as soon as I received my GED. Many times I feel like I failed at being a good mom. With all those failures I realized that I never truly gave up. I decided to use those failures as a stepping stone.

I was teen when I became pregnant with my first child. I remembering being in my third trimester waiting to be called back to final prenatal appointment before I due to give birth. I was called back to have my blood pressure checked immediately the nurse grew big and she stated " your blood pressure has sky rocked, and you'll have to give today." I was all alone. I was afraid for myself and my baby. I remembering being placed in a delivery room by myself, and giving birth to my son alone. With only the presence of the hospital staff. That was one of the only times I have experienced real fear. …show more content…
Every Saturday morning I would pack my bags for the weekend to go sit at the top of the driveway. I was waiting on my father. I did this every Saturday morning for the next year or so. Then one day I realized that my father would never come for me. That I had been forgotten about. That I had been replaced. Throughout my life I have faced many rejections but non hurt as bad as when I felt rejected by my father.

One of the most difficult decisions I had to make was to go back to school. I had so much self doubt. I figured everyone would view me as the old person in class, and that I would feel persecuted for my age and lack of knowledge. My first semester in college was one of the most rewarding experiences id ever had. I noticed men and women from all walks of life. Men and women of all ages. Men and women trying to make their way though college just like I

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