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Irony: A Fictional Narrative

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In that moment, I realized something wasn't okay. He wouldn't look at me, and when he would, it wasn't the same as before. He would tell me he didn't want to hurt me, but I couldn't understand why. Ace is the most outstanding and caring guy I've ever met, that's what was scaring me the most. What thoughts are lingering in his mind? If I don't find out what it is that is is his mind, I might have to leave him. But that's the thing, I don't want to.
I don't want to tell her. She's different from the other girls. If I get rid of her, I won't ever forgive myself. Audrey may look the same as the others, but there is just something special about her, and I don't want to ruin the truly amazing bond we have. But I have this urge, Audrey just looks so much like her, that stupid, pathetic, nasty girl; the one who broke my heart, cheated on me, and took my best friend. Thank goodness she's no longer on Earth, if she were, I might just have to get rid of her once again.
What am I supposed to do if I don't know …show more content…
He was more threatening and extremely harsh all day. I know he’s been through heaps of trouble, and testing times in his life, but now he’s being completely adverse. It seems as if he doesn’t nt to be with me anymore. What if he leaves me? What will I do then? Ace is an immense part of my life, and my desire is to keep it that way. Today is the day. I have to eliminate Audrey from my life, and life itself. All I want is for her to suffer because of how much she resembles Kelsey, not in personality, but in looks. She just came over, I have to kill her. The knife is hiding behind my back, she looks so beautiful, just as Kelsey always did, now is the time. **********************************************
I tried to do it, it just couldn’t bring myself to kill that perfect soul of hers. She’s so outstanding, I want to keep her, but what can I do to be relieved? I can’t just forgive what Kelsey did and move on with Audrey. Or can

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