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Personal Narrative: A Career As A Warrant Officer

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As a 22 year old Staff Sergeant with two deployments under my belt, I was thrown into a Platoon Sergeant position. This went about as well as you'd expect. Every team leader under me was much older than I am. Peers I came up with were still stuck as PFCs and SPCs. A new Lieutenant expecting to arrive to a seasoned SFC looking to take him under his wing, only to find me just as baby faced as him. Was it a failure of leadership to put me in that position? Maybe, but I learned a lot from it. I learned what I didn't want to do. I grew tired of dealing with the ones who didn't want to be there, who were just biding time for their contract to run out. I grew tired of dealing with the endless counseling statements and Article 15's from grown men who continued making bad life choices. So I'm just as guilty as most Warrant Officers in why we put in a packet. I did it to escape a leadership role. …show more content…
As a junior Warrant Officer I fell into the school of thought of "I'm just a pilot". But the more time I spent around senior Warrant Officers I began to see just how much of a leadership role we play in the lives of our junior enlisted, NCOs, peers and Commissioned Officers. It's an indirect style of leadership. ADRP 6-22 does not explicitly define the leadership role of the Warrant Officer, but does mention how we're a huge influence on others through our technical and tactical expertise. We've become more-so mentors than leaders. We lead by example by setting and maintaining the standards we live by in Army

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