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Process Essay-Stopper Performance

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It is very difficult for coaches to put together routines, because cheerleaders tend to have ADHD since we can never stand still or be serious at a choreography practice. The real reason is because the coaches must put together a routine that has all the tricks, skills, and proper technique in order for the team to win or give a perfect and show-stopper performance. The discourse community in all of this is that with every routine there are different components of it. A routine will start off with motions, which simple arm placements in sharp motions. Then elites are put together which takes a lot of work because this is where the girls and boys stunt. Stunt group is a term that defines the meaning of stunting. It is when three girls or boys on the bottom are known as …show more content…
There are different terms between different organizations of cheerleading, and it all depends on what style is preferred. After a stunt group puts their flyer in the air, the flyer will then do different skills for showmanship. Often in a routine a flyer will start off by doing a front stretch, which is where the flyer will bring her left leg or right, normally left, to the side of her face and hold it in the air. Then moving onto another typical move in the air called a “scorp” or scorpion. Resembling a tail of a scorpion, this skill takes a lot of work because it concentrates on balance and back flexibility in order to bring the left foot around the side of the body and straight behind the head. Finally in a basic elite performance the flyer will end with bringing their foot down to an arabesque, which is very simple. An athlete will arch his or her back and make the leg parallel to their hips. After the elite stunt there are jumps, which is also very simple. It is jumping in the air and doing almost like a split in the air, at least for a toe touch skill jump. A toe-touch is normally the basic and minimal skilled jumped in a

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