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The Divide Book Report

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When I finished The Divide by Nicolas Evans, I gave myself a big pat on the back. I have never struggled to finish a book as much as The Divide. Originally, I was so enthused about this book but as I continued my mood soured as the storyline slowed. The Divide “tells the story of a family fractured by betrayal” and how it affects each family member. The novel starts with discovery of Abbie’s body embedded in an iced over river. The novel than jumps back four years to when her life and family were perfect. The marriage between Ben and Sarah begins to break which has detrimental effects on everyone, especially Abbie. The story then continues to show how the golden child turns to a wanted eco terrorist and how the family deals with it.

What turned me off this book was the constant confusion. …show more content…
This was because Evans succeeds in writing about raw emotion, making me feel every ounce of the character’s pain. I had sympathy for Sarah, and resented Ben. I think Ben was awful walking out on Sarah and the family. I genuinely felt like I was in the story, grieving the same amount as Abbie and Sarah. The character I felt most sorry for was Josh. He was forced to juggle the feelings of both his fragile mother and his out of control, bratty sister. I was surprised he handled it so well and didn’t turn to drugs more than he already did. I have never had a friend or family member go through a divorce that I can remember which was why this storyline was such a shock for me. To get a taste of the raw details made me sad that someone you once loved could become someone you loathe. When Abbie died, I was shocked that Sarah could say “Abbie didn’t die because she fell or jumped or got pushed off a cliff or whatever it was. She died, Benjamin, because of what you did to us all” to her ex-husband, to Abbie’s father, to someone she once loved. It makes me so sad that all of those years of marriage can be destroyed to hate and

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