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The Controversy Of Vegetarianism

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Vegetarianism can be a controversial topic, from some claiming that eating meat is a natural process, to others claiming that vegetarians cannot receive enough protein with their eating habits. It is no lie that meat may contain some essential nutrients, for example, “A 100g portion (3.5 ounces) of raw ground beef contains large amounts of Vitamin B12, B3 (Niacin), B6, iron, zinc, selenium and plenty of other vitamins and minerals” ( “7 Evidence-Based Health Reasons to Eat Meat”), but this statement fails to include one can get these nutrients and more from vegetables. For example, legumes (beans, peas, lentils) are filled with fiber, protein, iron, calcium, zinc, and vitamin B alone. Most commonly, vegetables are packed with nutrients including …show more content…
If enough plants are consumed throughout the day in variety, the proteins will be sufficient for one’s diet (Tober). Ken Honeywell, author of “Why You Should Eat Meat: A Vegetarian’s Perspective”, says “the easiest way to get all of your amino acids is by eating meat” and continues to say to get essential amino acids with a vegetarian diet one has to carefully plan. Honeywell says meat is the ‘easiest’ solution, but not the only. It is possible to get all of your amino acids with a vegetarian diet, if one is cautious with the nutrients in their meal. This includes taking healthy vitamin supplements, which every person, vegetarian or not, should take on a daily basis anyway, or carefully planning a diet to make sure one is getting enough nutrients each day. “7 Evidence-Based Health Reasons to Eat Meat” says meat eaters have a higher testosterone levels and increased muscle mass compared to vegetarians. The extra hormones can be related to the artificial hormones animals are given to grow. These hormones can remain in a person's system as they …show more content…
The meat production process is one of the most wasteful industries in the world. There is a huge water waste in raising and processing the meat. To produce 1 kilogram of pork, 4800 liters are used, and 1 kilogram of poultry uses 3300 liters. Compared to the average usage to produce corn is 616 liters per kilogram (Yacoubou). To make one hamburger (150 grams) 2400 liters of water is used compared to one apple (100 grams) uses only 70 liters of water (Yacoubou). It is apparent that much more water is wasted in the production of meat than fruits or vegetables. At this rate, by 2050, two-thirds of the world will lack clean water to meet basic needs (Yacoubou). The amount of water used during production does not compare to all of the water wasted in meat production. Tons of water each year is wasted through the pollution that the meat production industry causes. Not only is water wasted daily by this process, but grains are used too. Grains are used to feed the animals, and “‘One pound of grain-in’ does not equal ‘one pound of meat out’” (Yacoubou). About 7.37 kilograms of grain are used to produce only 1 kilogram of beef, about 4.2 kilograms of grains to produce 1 kilogram of pork, and about 2.12 kilograms of grain for 1 kilogram of chicken (Yacoubou). Over 10 billion animals are raised for food in the United States alone every year. The U.S. consumes 30 percent of all

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