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Veganism: The New Ethics Of Eating

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As the United States aspires to keep up with the latest trends, One particular diet has sparked controversy, veganism as well as vegetarianism in other words, plant based diets. According to Robert Ostfeld this lifestyle is defined as being a “diet consists of all minimally processed fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds, herbs, and spices and excludes all animal products, including red meat, poultry, fish, eggs, and dairy products.” There are many reasons people have been advocating and leading more towards this diet due to the fact that veganism is shown to have many health benefits. The most shocking reason of all is that according to research studies if everyone converted to plant based diets we could end world hunger. If more people looked further into this they would surely agree too that plant based diets provide a healthier way of life. …show more content…
In the book Vegan The New Ethics Of Eating, author Erik Marcus points out how all living things require cholesterol. While one might assume that means we should make room for this nutrient in our diet, it’s not vital to do so. The book continues on by describing how our liver already produces all the cholesterol we need for survival so adding any extra would be rather unhealthful. Walter Willis, a nutrient expert who’s studied at Harvard states “The optimal intake of cholesterol is probably zero, meaning the avoidance of animal products; people will need to balance their desire to minimize the risk of coronary heart disease against their taste for meat and dairy

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