Premium Essay



Submitted By jessbolton
Words 1548
Pages 7
People for ethical treatment of animals (PETA) is a large organization with the goal of ending animal cruelty and promoting animal rights. There mission statement is: “PETA focuses its attention on the four areas in which the largest numbers of animals suffer the most intensely for the longest periods of time: on factory farms, in the clothing trade, in laboratories, and in the entertainment industry. We also work on a variety of other issues, including the cruel killing of beavers, birds, and other “pests” as well as cruelty to domesticated animals.”(peta) Though PETA seem like an organization that does great things, they go about getting what they want in a deplorable way. “PETA resorts to soft porno-graphic female nudity and graphic video recordings of animal abuse, it instills feelings of ‘shock’ on the target audience in order to get its point across.” (Matusitz, J. and Forrester, M. 85-86) The term for this king of advertising is shock advertising. “Shock advertising that startles and offends its audience has become a popular tool in advertising, especially since the 1980s.”(Pflaumbaum 1). PETA using shock advertising and pornographic themes is an ineffective and deplorable way to achieve the organization’s goals, which hurts the cause rather than helps. PETA has done a good deal of good things.PETA’s website has a timeline of there major milestones and accomplishments. In 2008 PETA pursued a lawsuit against Aviagen Turkeys which is a major producer of turkeys worldwide. This lawsuit ended in felony charges for abusing turkeys, which was the first of its kind in United States history. Another example of PETA’s accomplishments comes from 2012 where PETA leaked brutal footage of the United States Coast Guard stabbing, shooting, and dismembering goats as a part of there training. PETA in 2013 pushed for an end to dehorning processes in the dairy industry.

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