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Southern Charm: Play Analysis

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Kathryn Dennis and Thomas Ravenel are full of drama on Southern Charm. Now Kathryn has two children with him, but on the show, a few people are not positive that they are his children. It looks like Kathryn Dennis wants to make sure that everyone knows that the children do belong to Thomas, and it wasn't a big question like it is being portrayed. Kathryn went to her Facebook page to share a post and her side of the story. Kathryn isn't shy about getting her thoughts out.

Kathryn shared a link to an article from Bravo, along with a few comments. She said, "There was 1 paternity test done. These people are so thirsty for a story that they slandered it. Well, I'm back, and I tell the truth that none of the "charmers" will tell. Talk soon, …show more content…
They are all talking at the reunion show about Thomas and Kathryn having a new son. When they questioned if their son belonged to Thomas, you could tell Kathryn was very annoyed with it all. Thomas shared that they had done a test, but it was inconclusive. It looks like Thomas and Kathryn don't question who the father of their children are anymore so hopefully, they can convince everyone else of the truth.

It is obvious that Kathryn Dennis thinks that Thomas Ravenel is the father of her children, and there is no question to that at all. She is very upset that people are considering anything else is a possibility. Craig shared that Kathryn was seeing someone else at the time and that she had just had a one night stand with Thomas when she got pregnant. Whitney admitted that they have all had their doubts. Kathryn didn't seem to ever doubt at all that Thomas was the father of her kids.

Kathryn went on to explain that she was disgusted with all of it. Andy Cohen then said there was a third paternity test and that it is his child for sure. Now Kathryn is speaking out and says that this isn't true at all. You have to wonder why they would say this if it weren't the

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