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How Did America Under The Articles Of Confederation After The War Of Independence

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America Under the Confederation
The Articles of Confederation
The Articles of Confederation were written by the Congress in 1777 and was formally consented four years later, and they intention was to balance the powers after the War of Independence. The national government consisted of a one-house Congress, no president, and major decisions had to be approved by at least nine states.
The only powers that the national government was able to do was declaring wars, conducting foreign affairs, and signing treaties with other governments.
The biggest accomplishment that Congress made was establishing control over land that was located west side of the states. B. Congress and the West
It was hella hard for the Congress to finess land in the west side because there was …show more content…
C. The Division and Separation of Power
The constitution was 4,000 words and focused on the federalism/division of powers and the system of checks and balances.
Federalism/division of powers is the relationship between the Congress and the states.
The system of checks and balances was to prevent a governmental branch from dominating the other branches. For example, the president can veto the laws, but two-thirds of the government have to approve the objection. The president is able to be suspended and removed from office if he committed crimes. D. The Debate Over Slavery
The people who was at the Constitutional Convention were slave holders as well as those who wanted to abolish slavery.
Slavery was never mentioned in the Constitution, but it was legal. ⅗ of the slave population represented would be considered in the state’s representation and electoral votes.
South Carolina’s delegates was finna acting influential bout slavery in order to prevent they slaves from being finessed. They would do this by threatening to secede if the Atlantic Slave Trade became

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