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Personal Narrative: Salado Indian Tribe

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What is life? It is the flash of a firefly in the night.
It is the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime.
It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset
- Chief Crowfoot

We don't know what happened to the Salado Indian tribe, no one does except perhaps the

salado indian tribe themselves. Did they leave because of illness or did they get chased

out? What was the reason they disappeared why would they leave their home the place

they had roots, where their children grew up and they had crops.why leave that? Yes people

Think many diffrent things but we don't have any theories that we can prove happened. Now

My entire thing might sound a little redundant but it is difficult to get new things to talk …show more content…
How did they disappear

,why did they leave why would they leave things, yeah i get that they only took the

essentials because they did not have duffle bags like we do today when i think of all i have

read or heard on my subject makes me thing about my home and if i had to leave because

of a diseases or the ground did not have enough nutrients or we went through a dry spell. I

would be hard for me to leave my home but they might not have so sentimental as we are

today. When i started researching my topic i realized a few things for one i was gonna

have to get creative with this project for another it was different then than now which i knew

before we started this the past is always different than the present but when i realized how

different i was and how today we are not strong as they were if we tried doing what they did

back then today we could not do it with as much ease which i am not saying they did it with

ease but we are not as tough as them and we say things like i could not live then because

there was to internet or phones but the way they lived they did not have time for stuff like

that they worked all day and i think we take things advantage of things now days so …show more content…
We found the things they left behind and that is how we know they where here at one point. The pots they left behind were beautiful and they traded with other tribes like the Apache. I know this because the Apache did not make pottery. In fact, all the Native American ruins in Gila County were Salado,not Apache. The Apache did not make pottery or permanent shelters.
Their housing was simple and yet at the same time they were complicated, with the materials they used which were mud, clay, and rock. When using the mud and clay they had to make sure the temperature outside was not too hot and not too cold. If it was too hot outside the clay and or mud would dry to fast and if it was too cold it would not dry fast enough. The rocks were put in the mud and or clay to help stabilize it they would also use wood planks on their second floor as something they could walk on.
We all need to eat and so did they; they grew their crops. They grew food like corn and squash. When they disappeared they only took the essentials so they did not take the pots and some of their crops. Some people think they might have moved to Tonto Basin or Rio Grande in Mexico. A big part of moving to these places was because of the water. Just like us they needed water and without they could not

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