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Rachel Goddard

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Rachel Goddard is the lead character of the Rachel Goddard Series of mystery novels by Sandra Parshall. The first novel of the series was The Heat of the Moon that was first published in 2006 to much popularity among fans. Parshall was born in South Carolina and asserts that her first paying gig was penning the obituary column for The Spartanburg Herald her local newspaper. She became a reporter after she wrote an exceptional feature that she presented to an editor who loved it. Her great work in her hometown paper opened doors for her as she went on to write for the Baltimore Evening Sun and several papers in West Virginia. She was involved in the writing of anything from experiences of Native Americans, school board meetings, poverty in Appalachia, health care in prisons, mining disasters, and even a private interview of Hugh Hefner. Nonetheless, she had always loved stories growing up and remembers reading To Kill a Mocking Bird as a novel that had a particularly significant impact on her as a teenager. It was reading that novel that finally led her towards a career in writing. Despite living in small town and calling the local police chief grandfather she was never into the suspense/mystery genre …show more content…
Aside from her novel writing she writes reviews for the Washington Independent Review of Books and conducts and publishes interview on a publication of International Thriller Writers titled The Big Thrill. She has been a Washington resident for many years where she lives with long time Washington journalist and husband Jerry and their four cats. In her free time she loves to take photographs particularly of nature and animals, She has asserted that there is nothing more magical than capturing the slant of light in a nice setting, and if she could she would do that the whole

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