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Pine Ridge: A Short Story

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The sun was high in the sky beating on the faces of my brother and I. We were in the middle of a round of golf at our local golf course, Pine Ridge. Sweat started to form on the brim of my forehead and palms became clammy. I was in need of a bottle of water, but we knew there was a storm coming in, so there was no time to spare. Our plan was to play two more holes and then walk back to our home that was in a close vicinity to the golf course. Some clouds started to move in while we scurried from the fourth to fifth hole. I’m next on the tee and I go and reach for my club. As I stick the tee into the ground, the sky takes on an ominous tone of pitch black. The wind starts racing and its starts to pour as if someone just hit a switch and turned on a storm. …show more content…
As I yell ahead towards my older, wiser brother looking for an answer of what to do. He tells me to follow him. Sirens blaring, lighting striking every second we surge towards safety. I cannot keep my emotions in check as adrenaline is pumping through me. The only thing I knew what to do in that situation was to yell and exert as much energy as my adrenaline provided me at the time. In the matter of 5 seconds, our worlds went from a normal summer day to a treacherous time of our lives. As we approached the houses we started banging on the door to see if we could enter a house for shelter. Luckily, there were people nice enough to allow us to enter their household and take cover from the menacing storm that attacked us. There we sat in the basement of the kind souls that allowed us into their home. There was a smell of a damp wetness as we all listened to the storm rage on until suddenly it just

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