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What Role Does Pork Barreling Play In Re-Elections?

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Pages 3
Incumbents have various advantages in re-elections. They have the franking privilege, which allows them to send mail free of postage. This allows them to send out as much mail in order to campaign. They also participate in pork barreling, which is doing things for their district that will earn them more votes. This free and good press and campaigning will help the incumbents in reelection. This greatly helps the incumbents get re-elected.
Congressmen take part in three activities to get reelected; logrolling, pork barreling, and gerrymandering. Logrolling is when a legislator votes in favor of someone else's proposal so in return they would support his legislation. Pork barreling gives benefits to constituents in hopes of winning their vote. Gerrymandering is drawing legislative boundaries in favor of a candidate, in order to gain more votes.
A Committees role in law making is to amend a bill and …show more content…
In the House of Representatives the speaker of the house is the leader. The speaker of the house calls on people to discuss, selects conference committee members, appoints all the House Rules Committee members, and assigns committees their bills. The majority leader represents the party holding the most power/seats in Congress. They gather votes to try and pass legislation. The minority leader is in charge of the party with the least amount of power/seats in Congress. They rally support to prevent bills proposed by the majority party from being passed. The Vice President leads the Senate and he casts the tie breaking vote. The President Pro Tempore takes the Vice president’s place if he is not present. Another role is the whips. Whips are congressmen who help minority/majority leaders stay informed. They inform leaders about what party members are thinking, how they are voting, and sway people to vote a certain

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