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Suspended Learners

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Kids who get suspended continue to get suspended so why haven’t schools stopped suspensions? Suspended students may continue getting suspended but why does this happen? If suspensions were to stop what could schools do to punish students who misbehave. For many years suspending students who misbehave has been the way to go, but now some people question if this the best way to punish students. Although suspensions are cheap and easy, there are better method’s to punishing students because students who get suspended don’t learn as much, would prefer being at home, and continue to get into trouble.

While suspended, some students have a hard time learning which makes school when they get back worse. This is because there are three main types of learning or processing information and while can work most students have way that works best. Those three ways are visual, auditory, and kinetic learners. Students who are suspended and are kinetic learners will struggle to understand because they might not be able to learn through the way that works best. However that is only one of the three types of learners some people will argue, and yeah it is only one of three but take a third of a large body of people and you realize that's quite a bit of people. So it stands to reason, that suspensions will …show more content…
The highschool dropout rate in the United States is close to 25 percent. While some of that number stems from just not being able to remain at the tempo the school sets, the other part is people who would rather be at home doing whatever they enjoy rather than attempting to learn. Yes it’s true that some people who get suspended do want to get more schooling. Despite that, this means that being suspended isn’t hardly a punishment but rather a break from learning which perfectly leads into the next

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