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Personal Narrative: What I Learned In My College Composition

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I didn’t expect to do a lot of anything in College Composition. I thought to myself that I could use the class period as an extra study hall to make sure I had my other classwork done and finish any actual “assignments” the night before they were due. To be honest, I treated the class as so for a while. It wasn’t until after my first essay that I realized how I could improve my writing in preparation for college now instead of later. I didn’t realize that I tend to write in a passive tense every other sentence until now. I also, often, used, too many comma splices, which butchered the flow of my writing. I sometimes missed the MLA format details which lowered my scores early on. After I submitted the last essay, I was glad that I didn’t sign up for English IV. I enjoyed some papers …show more content…
My first essay was a narrative over a learning experience I had that had taught me a significant life lesson. I was able to quickly choose my experience at Steak n’ Shake as an employee and the lesson that my coworkers had taught me about staying in school. Working at Steak n’ Shake was tedious, stressful, and had poor pay. I dreaded going to work. My learning experience revolved around the dialogue I had with Theo, the veteran night shift manager at Steak n’ Shake. My conversation with Theo about my school career and what my future had in store for me had motivated me to keep after doing well in school. The tedious nature of a job at Steak n’ Shake was not what I had aspired to do after high school. Theo’s words of wisdom didn’t explosively change my life, but it rewired my mindset about the importance of staying in school and maintaining my work ethic. As a narrative, my essay focused on details and dialogue to keep the story flowing. I did a good job of providing details about the job and the nature of it but left out important details before and after the conversation between Theo and myself.

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