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Personal Narrative: My Growth As A Writer

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Sometimes I wonder if I’m going to get this huge growth spurt in my writing in one day and just magically turn into an award-winning writer overnight, but huge growth spurts in writing never happen overnight so that thought is probably unrealistic. Growing as a writer happens over time and through many trial-and-error pieces of work. No good writer has started out at their best, but instead, they grow into it because they learn new things in the course of their writing career. Over the course of this semester, I have grown more as a writer than I did in the first three years of high school combined, so yes, I did have a growth spurt as a writer, but it didn’t happen all at once and I am not finished growing.
This semester, I have had to write …show more content…
It is better than any other process I have tried, and I don’t see myself straying from it any time soon. In my writing process, I begin with just writing. I write until I absolutely can’t write any more on my topic. I don’t think twice about how good the content is, my grammar, or what grade I think I would make on it if I were to turn it in right then. After that, I go back and read the piece before fixing everything I would like to fix, such as what content is going to remain in my essay or any grammatical errors. By then, it is usually time to take my paper in for a peer review or two. After hearing the comments other students have on my paper, I use the critically constructive ones to fix anything that the audience did not think was good or clear. Then, I go over my paper one more time before turning it in. Because of this process, I have a better chance of ruling out any bad writing than I would have if I would have turned it in right after I wrote my first draft.
In “New Light,” my first piece of writing, I did not follow my whole writing process and go through all of the planning and critical thinking that comes along with it because it was something I pulled straight from my memory. I was telling a true story, so it practically wrote itself. Writing this paper taught me that personal narratives are basically just the side of the story the author wants you to hear. It also

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