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Great Aberration Research Paper

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The Great Aberration is the period of rupture in United States-China relations that lasted about 20 years since 1950s. The Americans at the time feared about communism, which was so rampant in Asian nations, especially in China. Because Americans had relatively good relationship with China for a period of time, and the People’s Republic of China’s leader, Mao Zedong, showed great hospitality to the US, Americans undervalued their traditional support of Asian Nationalism of China. The Truman Administration’s new foreign policy included how the US should treat the Communist countries in Asia and Europe, and the policy was very aggressive towards them. The policy contained very strong restrictions on the development of China as modern powerhouse, and it offended China’s national susceptibilities. Shortly after the introduction of the policy, the two previously friendly nations’ relation got worse. However, unlike the Cohen’s claim, the sudden change in relation between nations are not very rare. …show more content…
Rapid changing of relations between countries is very common in the history of humanity, and it even has a very similar precedent in the US history as well. Before the Great Aberration period between US and China, the World War II lasted from 1939 to 1945. During the war period, the United States and Soviet Union were reliable allies to each other and fought against Nazi Germany together. However, soon after the victory in the war, they became the principal enemy of each other and the cold war between the two superpowers began. Simple foreign policy or relation change cannot be considered to be very unusual because it is so frequent in international diplomacy since the very first value of every nation is its own

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