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Columbine High School Shootings

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On October 23, 2013, two students were shot, and a math teacher killed, by a 12-year-old who later turned the gun on himself at Sparks Middle School in Nevada. On April 20, 1999, two students shot 21 students and killed 12, one being a teacher, at Columbine High School, which came to be known as the Columbine High School Massacre. What both these school shootings have in common is that the shooters were all believed to be victims of bullying. Many people believe that this issue may be with gun control. They ask questions like, “How are these students getting their hands on these weapons,” and “How can we ensure the protection of other students from these weapons?” However, the real issue here relies on bullying. Bullying is the root of the …show more content…
Television shows, including reality TV, sitcoms, and drama, and movies directed towards a younger audience often portray a “bully and bully victim relationship” between two or more characters. Physical and verbal bullying are the two main forms of bullying depicted on television shows. The pictured bully is often given a stereotypical image where he/she, as the author Patrice A. Oppigler explains, “typically dominate their victims in size, adding an emphasis to any threatening conflict,” (Oppigler 9). The television show, The Proud Family exemplifies that the size of the bully can add to the intimidation of others. The antagonists of the show, the Gross sisters, are often featured making threats to their victims and taking their …show more content…
Though a small number of victims do seek revenge, they often lash out in extremely violent ways or commit extremely violent acts. This may be due to the psychological effects of bullying. “Kids who are bullied are more likely to experience: depression and anxiety, increased feelings of sadness and loneliness, changes in sleep and eating patterns, and loss of interest in activities they used to enjoy.,” (Effects of Bullying). Violent acts by students may have a greater chance of occurring on schools grounds than elsewhere. “The department of Justice says that each day 100,000 young people carry guns to school. Each hour, more than 2,000 students re physically attacked on school grounds. More than 400,000 violent crimes are reported in and around U.S. schools each year,” (Rue

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