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Essay On School Shootings

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Columbine, Sandy Hook, & Stoneman Douglas are just to name a few of the deadliest school shootings in the past 20 years. Safety measures and precautions have been recently set in place to prevent massacres in the future from being a yearly occurrence.
April 20, 1999 has a spot in history as one of the most tragic days in US. History. At approximately 11: 20 am, two fellow students of Columbine High School entered with the attempt to kill, destroy, and to attack on everyone in sight. As of November 30, 2012, there was 456 children enrolled in kindergarten through fourth grade at Sandy Hook Elementary School. The school's security protocols had recently been upgraded, requiring visitors to be individually admitted after visual and identification review by video monitor.
Doors to the school …show more content…
Also by helping kid feel free to report any concerns about anyone that seems to be on the verge. Sandy Hook Elementary is coming up on its 6 year anniversary soon. And the school has add an additional layer of safety by mandating laws to control who enters the school. Since then bullet proof windows have been an addition to the school, doors can be locked from the outside, or inside. Lockdown drills are set in the process of the schools safety precaution, also the combination of security equipment and other tools are on board for safety. Since the Stoneman Douglas High School shooting, family meetings with the victims family. Governor Rick Scott signed SB 7026, The Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Act. This Act makes significant reforms to make Florida schools safer. It is very important to look for signs, and also to keep firearms out of the hands of mentally ill individuals. If the right steps and precautions are taken, school massacres are less likely to

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