...The Ethical Dilemma of Advertisements “The effect of sex appeal and emotional appeal on adolescents” By: May Abd El Latif El Hattab Seminar Paper / Bachelor Thesis Submitted to the “Marketing department” At the Faculty of Management & Technology German University in Cairo Student registration number: 4-1086 Date: 4th of June, 2008 Supervisor: Professor Mohamed Radwan Table of Contents Table of Contents ........................................................................................................... i Table of figures: ...........................................................................................................iii List of tables: ............................................................................................................... vi Chapter 1: Introduction ................................................................................................. 1 Chapter 2: Literature Review......................................................................................... 2 2.1 Sex Appeal .............................................................................................................. 3 2.2 Emotional Appeal:................................................................................................... 5 2.3 Research question;................................................................................................... 8 Chapter 3: Research Methodology:............................................................
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...their products. The ad, Inquiries in Science, I have is from a magazine called “Science Teacher”. The magazine cover uses bright colors that stands out to a person. The magazine also uses many different Jib Fowles Advertising’s Fifteen Basic Appeals. This magazine will be for teacher in the science department. The magazine is sponsored by the National Science Teachers Association. The magazine is based on going green and giving teacher’s newer concepts. The purpose of this ad is to help students and teachers become better informed about science. Advertising Description This ad is for the Carolina Biological Supply Company. It advertises a program that makes science concepts easy to understand. The background is white with teachers and students saying their comments or thoughts in bubbles. There are three African Americans, two Caucasian people, and one Asian person. There are more females than males in this ad. All together there are five females and two males. All of the people are in the ad are smiling, doing projects, or teaching. All of their comments are positive comments and positive reactions. A quote from one of the people says, “Now this is what science should be like.” The background of the ad is white with black bold letters. The pictures are in square boxes at the top middle of the page. The bold black words are towards the bottom of the page, right under the pictures. The title of the reading is “What students and teachers are saying about Inquiries in Science...
Words: 927 - Pages: 4
...The AS/AD model consists of three curves. The curve describing the supply side of the aggregate economy in the short run is the short-run aggregate supply ( SAS ) curve, the curve describing the demand side of the economy is the aggregate demand curve, and the curve describing the highest sustainable level of output is the long-run aggregate supply ( LAS ) curve. The first thing to note about the AS/AD model is that it is fundamentally different from the microeconomic supply/demand model. In microeconomics the price of a single good is on the vertical axis and the quantity of a single good on the horizontal axis. The reasoning for the shapes of the micro supply and demand curves is based on the concepts of substitution and opportunity cost. In the macro AS/AD model, the price level of all goods, not just the price of one good, is on the vertical axis and aggregate output, not a single good, is on the horizontal axis. The shapes of the curves have nothing to do with opportunity cost or substitution.The AS/AD model consists of three curves. The curve describing the supply side of the aggregate economy in the short run is the short-run aggregate supply ( SAS ) curve, the curve describing the demand side of the economy is the aggregate demand curve, and the curve describing the highest sustainable level of output is the long-run aggregate supply ( LAS ) curve. The first thing to note about the AS/AD model is that it is fundamentally different from the microeconomic...
Words: 1981 - Pages: 8
...wheel: The Difference in Advertising vehicles The vehicle a person drives can tell a lot about that person, for example if someone is driving a beat up old car or pickup odds are that that person will get judged in a negative way. This also plays a role in social status and attracting the opposite sex in some cases. Advertisers take a huge risk by spending large amounts of money on their ads, if their ads do not work that is a huge profit lost. The advertisers must target an audience that they believe will most likely be the ones to buy their product. They need to do it in a clever enough way to catch the attention of the people that are viewing their ad. For vehicle ads they add in things that attract people with catch phrases such as “Kicks Like a 12 Gauge.” The ad can’t just be all about catching the attention of the viewers it also needs to have the information needed to get the viewer to consider buying their product. The two main subjects of selling vehicles are power and good gas mileage. Two advertisements that target the consumer looking for power and good gas mileage are the Toyota Tundra ad featured in the field and stream magazine and the Ford Taurus ad featured in the cosmopolitan magazine. The two ads that will be compared in this paper talk about how both ads grab the attention of the reader and how the advertiser targets a specific audience to sell his product. Both of the ads do a good job of targeting their audience. They both show the social buzz that the buyer...
Words: 1285 - Pages: 6
...EACH, describe the ad using content analysis. What is visible in each? What explicit information is conveyed about the product? First add is about coke zero. In this add one man is hero and he start drinking coke then he observe different situation. For example, he is on bike near the coast and see that his 10 friends join him. Second he sees that he travels 10 km/h which become 100. Third one only two girls meet him and then they become 20. Finally, 100 person party become 1000. They are showing the adding of zero because some people say that zero is nothing. On the other hand, coke zero means something special. In short, coke give you more taste without any sugar. The second ad is about the Microsoft. Steve Gleason, who is formal football player, shows in the ad and question raise that what is technology and then they show different clips of new machines and ask about its function. They show that paralyse child is walking and playing game another old man has problem with eye sight and he thought he couldn’t do the painting and also many other things which was impossible all the things are possible due to technology. Its unit us. In other words, it’s give us new life. Ad show that in all these thing Microsoft play vital role. 2. For each ad, tell me the meaning (semiotic) of the ad. What is the REALLY saying or suggesting? Is the ad geared towards women or men? Why? This coke ad targeted to youth because in the ad they show young girls and young boys. Ad showing that coke...
Words: 453 - Pages: 2
...steady decline in smoking in the United States. In response, the industry aggressively pursued expanding their markets, and initiated major new advertising campaign targeted to appease the rising public anxiety about the health risks of cigarette smoking. One of the most used strategies in the early 1950s, is to use the doctor’s image to assure the consumer that their respective brands were safe. For the purpose of a rhetoric analysis I picked an ad about “Camels cigarette “made by The RJ REYNOLDS Tobacco Company. In 1946 this company launched a campaign with a slogan, “More doctors smoke Camels than any other cigarette“. The ad I picked has this slogan centered in bold capital letters, on top of it a big picture of a middle-aged doctor in bed wearing his pajamas. He appears to be waking up in the middle of the night to answer an emergency phone call .On top of the night stand next to him is his doctor’s black bag showing that he was ready for any emergency .Above that picture to the right an expression of the doctor in bold saying: I’ll be right over “and to the right of that a text that start in bold “24 hours a day your doctor is on duty …guarding health, protecting and prolonging life." Underneath the main slogan there is two part , to the left a text that talks about a survey that was conducted on doctors proving that most doctors smoke Camels, and next to it a picture of a pack of Camels cigarette that features Turkish and domestic blend . The second...
Words: 1585 - Pages: 7
...Context, Communication Norms, and Consumer Knowledge ALISON JING XU ROBERT S. WYER JR. Ads often contain puffery—product descriptions that purport to be important but actually provide little if any meaningful information. Consumers’ reactions to these descriptions depend on whether they perceive themselves to be more or less knowledgeable about the product than others whom the ad is specifically intended to influence. When an ad appears in a professional magazine that is read primarily by experts in the product domain, puffery generally increases the ad’s effectiveness. This is also true when the ad appears in a popular magazine but readers perceive themselves to know less about the product than consumers at large. If readers believe they know as much as or more than general consumers, however, puffery decreases the ad’s effectiveness. In addition, the media context in which an ad is encountered has a direct effect on judgments by consumers who perceive themselves to have little knowledge about the type of product being advertised. O magazines, such as Dairy Field and Dairy Foods, which are primarily read by processors and suppliers in the dairy food industry. Dannon is not alone in using promotional materials that consumers do not understand. In some cases, advertisements describe technical details that are only appreciated by experts in the product domain to which the ads pertain. Other attribute descriptions, however, may be “puffery.” That is, they purport...
Words: 11537 - Pages: 47
...There happens to be several ways a person can slowly start to decline in health and overall cognitive functioning. One way includes the degenerative disorder known more commonly as the Alzheimer’s disease (AD). AD was first discovered by Alois Alzheimer, German neuropathologist, back in 1906 when he was performing an autopsy in the brain of a 56 year old patient (Chiappelli et al., 2006). Since that time, researchers have been trying to come up with new techniques and new information of how the disease works, as well as, how do AD patients and caregivers of AD patients cope and adjust the disease in their everyday life. Although, the disease was not examined fully when it was first discovered, scientists since then have made quite a few hallmarks...
Words: 2134 - Pages: 9
...roses. The ad shows the lady favoring the latter. The cauliflower ad follows from a series of messages around poor eyesight leading to poor performance and poor relationships which is an insight resulting from vision 2020 report of the World Health Organization. We have been tracking the social messages of FB and Twitter netizens. We are happy that, in general, most netizens appreciate the creativity, and they understand that the message has no intent of racism. We are also most thankful to those who help to objectively explain or elaborate the context of the advertisement.” Executive Optical stated. This case study intends to examine the advertisement of Executive Optical (EO) that features a dark-skinned man wearing a pair of eyeglasses, smiling as he embraces a young beautiful lady, while a light-skinned man, not wearing eyeglasses, looked surprised with a statement “Don’t be a loser. Have your eyes checked.” That is if it, indeed, hilarious and insulted some Filipino people, as complained by concerned netizens. The study is conducted among third year students of Far Eastern University, enrolled in the program, Bachelor of Fine Arts major in Advertising Arts. The purpose of this case study is to identify the effects for the EO's advertisement entitled "The Cauliflower" and to measure the effects on the participant’s impression. Why this advertisement does started a rage for some Filipino netizens? The study conducted 55 netizens around Facebook. The ad challenges...
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...magazines everyday. For a person to not be influenced or even see an ad they would have to be a complete shut in a secluded from the world. A lot of ads try their hands to catch peoples attention in different ways since there is so much competition on a daily basis. Would a person choose to buy a product that shows how you could look with the product or beautiful people use and say that it will not only improve your image but make it so you look like them? There aren't many people who wouldn't choose to be more beautiful than they see their self. So it is safe to say many ads directed toward women would try to increase or improve the buyers appearance. By doing this ads have put up a certain bar for women in America to show the ideal look of beauty of a women body. Advertisements for women have made it so that women must look a certain way, and are expected to be a certain size, and if they don't fit that bill, then they are not doing all they can, and while the product can help make them look better they may never reach the "ideal" image made by these ads. In this day and age with technology used as much as it is there is lots of money to be gained from advertsments. Advertisers will pay big money to be represented on website and even to premeire during televised events. There are many ads, ads for men, women, children even ads designed for our pets, but every ad tries to grab your attention in a specific way. Many ads go with the main idea that it will either make your life easier...
Words: 1574 - Pages: 7
...gets closer to home however he is surrounded by wolves. Unbeknownst to him, his best buddy, the horse has escaped the barn and is coming to his rescue with friends. The pup starts barking at the wolves but he is tiny. The horses arrive just in time to save him and he is reunited with his family. At the end of the commercial there is the Budweiser logo and the hashtag “ #bestbuds”. Every time I watch this ad I cry. It is just so cute, and as a dog owner pulls at my heart strings. As a human, it makes me connect with the puppy and his fear of being lost and lonely and his search for home. What draws me most to this advertisement is that there is no beer, this ad is not selling beer, it is selling the feeling that you want to have when you drink beer: family, love, friendship. Throughout the commercial, the focus is on the puppy and the horse, their friendship and bond. How they yearn for each other when they are apart, and how they will go through hell or high water to get back to each other and keep each other safe. The whole time you are watching, you do not think this is about beer; rather you are just enthralled in the commercial and want to see how it ends. But this is not a commercial you can forget. I think...
Words: 1802 - Pages: 8
...“rules of the game”, recording, introduction of respondents • There are no good or bad answers, everything is possible • Discussion is video taped! Confidentiality! • Colleagues are taking notes! • Respondents Introduces him/herself! (Age, Main activity, Family, Hobbies) 2. CSD and Coca-Cola Consumption (5 min) • What kind of CSDs do you drink? Do you drink Coca-Cola? • When, how often and in what kind of situations do you drink Coca-Cola? • Which Coca-Cola advertisements can you recall? What kind of mood do they have? To whom are these ads addressed? • Can you recall any music of Coca-Cola advertisements? Likes/dislikes? Why? • What are the general characteristics of Coca-Cola? What does it provide you with? • Let’s make a list what Coca-Cola brings to you! MODERATOR PUTS ALL ATTRIBUTES MENTIONED ON FLIPCHART. PROBES FOR “very refreshing, energizes me, for people like me, favorite brand, great tasting, the best CSD, part of everyday life”. MARKS THOSE NOT RELEVANT TO BACKCHECK AFTERWARDS WITH STORYBOARDS. 3. Evaluation of storyboards (5x20 min) Executions are demonstrated on boards. Executions are rotated. Now I am going to show you several new advertising ideas for Coca-Cola. They are not ready TV spots but an approximate demonstration of what they are going to be when shot. I will be showing you different visuals and you try to imagine that you are...
Words: 1316 - Pages: 6
...passage, I would like to talk about how the targeting of Google AdSense works and how you can earns money as a publisher. First of all, you should get certificate to run AdSense advertisements. Actually, there are no strict criteria for acceptance into the AdSense program. It does not place minimum traffic requirements on applicants which unlike other ad networks. However, the only real criteria are “acceptable content” requirements. At the moment you have been accepted, you will be able to run AdSense advertisements on any site you own using the same ad code. The next step is to make the targeting of Google AdSense work. Google uses its search engine ranking technology to decide which ads to show on your site, and on specific pages of your site. For example, on a Webmaster site, an article about Flash might be accompanied by an ad for Macromedia products, while an article about Web hosting might show an ad from a hosting company. This type of targeting is very effective, and results in good click-through rates in most circumstances. However, this type of targeting isn’t perfect. One key issue with the system is that Google seems to be doing very little in the way of ad rotation. If a certain ad is highly targeted to your content, it might be shown every time. This means that if you attract a large number of return visitors, or generate a high number of page views per visitor, you may experience declining click-through rates on the ads over time. Another issue...
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...in advertising has room to grow The voice of fellow consumers continues to be strongly heard when it comes to the most trusted forms of advertising. Ninetytwo percent of consumers around the world say they trust earned media, such as word-of-mouth or recommendations from friends and family, above all other forms of advertising—an increase of 18 percent since 2007, according to a new study from Nielsen, a leading global provider of information and insights into what consumers watch and buy. Online consumer reviews are the second most trusted source of brand information and messaging, with 70 percent of global consumers surveyed online indicating they trust messages on this platform, an increase of 15 percent in four years. Nielsen’s Global Trust in Advertising Survey of more than 28,000 Internet respondents in 56 countries shows that while nearly half of consumers around the world say they trust television (47%), magazine (47%) and newspaper ads (46%), confidence declined by 24 percent, 20 percent and 25 percent, respectively, between 2009 and 2011. Still, the majority of advertising dollars are spent on traditional or paid media, such as television. In 2011, overall global ad spend saw a seven percent increase over 2010, according to Nielsen’s most recent Global AdView Pulse. This growth in spend was driven by a 10 percent increase in television advertising, with countries including the U.S. and China, attracting more advertising dollars versus the year prior. “While brand...
Words: 3316 - Pages: 14
... . . . . . . . . . .121 Computer Terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .122 Business Terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .124 United States Branches of Government . . . . . . . . . .126 Map of the United States . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .128 Map of the World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .130 Presidents of the United States . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .132 www.VOASpecialEnglish.com Table of Contents 6 7 The Voice of America has been broadcasting programs in Special English since 1959. Special English is VOA’s method of communicating with English learners around the world in a way that is easy to understand. The vocabulary is limited to about 1,500 words. The sentences are short. The speed is slower than normal. Special English...
Words: 23894 - Pages: 96