...Phung Ninh February 3, 2012 Chapter 13: Camazotz’s Leader As Mrs. Which started the tesseract for the Mr.Murry’s home, Meg have this strange feeling, a feeling that kept persuading her to come back to Camazotz. The planet that was once dark, her most hated planet that almost took her beloved brother away is calling for help. She wasn’t sure when the telepathic connection stopped but before she knew it, she was back home. After the joyous reunion of her family, she and Calvin decided to stay outside in the backyard. “Calvin, I had this feeling that have been bothering me all the way home,” Meg stared nervously at Calvin’s eyes. “What is it?” Calvin replied while smiling at her. “There was a telepathic communication between me and someone from Camazotz, he or she was asking for help, I’m not sure why but I feel that I must help them.” Meg said and noticed Calvin’s smile disappear. “Did you tell your father about this?” “No, I think I need time to think about it.” “Well, whatever you decide on, I’ll be by your side.” He said smiling with the same sparkles in his eyes like the beginning. “Thanks. Let’s go inside for dinner.” Meg said pulling Calvin up. After her parents laid their warm kisses on her forehead she fell into her train of thoughts on Camazotz. She didn’t plan to return to Camazotz after fighting for all she ever wanted, her confidence, her father and Charles Wallace. But...
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...Dear Holden, I see you are very lost in this world. Nobody understands you, you consider everyone is your enemy. You obviously think all adults are miserable because they have the most boring life anyone could ever imagine. They wake up every day, tell their kids what to do and what not to do, then they go to work, do nothing that can ever help someone on the planet(even if the name of their career sounds very serious and significant), after they come back home, argue with their children till it's late managing to watch some stupid tv show and then they go to sleep (after which they do same things). But that's one of the hardest things in your life -to find out some way how to enjoy your wonderful or pathetic life. That is the exact reason you have to study. Learning something new makes us less vulnerable as we can make our point of view more clear. You have a lot of feelings and emotions which are in the greatest need of being expressed in some way. Knowing how many important things you can tell the world of teenagers, I would really like to ask you to write things down. Everything that you believe makes sense and can help someone to define their stupid and useless existence. You may try to make some money on writing scripts which I know you don not like that much. But you should think about it in a different way. Being a scriptwriter makes you a substantial man in the area of social media. You will meet some extremely smart and talented people (which are smart and...
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...impact us or other people, or how it could make someone feel. Decisions scaling from what we wear to school, to who we associate ourselves with has a way of shaping us and the people around us. Unfortunately people sometimes make the wrong decisions or often times forget to think of consequences when making choices. …It was a typical Friday night towards the beginning of my senior year consisting of going to the gym with some friends after school and trying to piece together some last minute plans for the night. Attending a tailgate before the big rivalry football game at our school that night seemed like a great idea to bond with fellow classmates and show support for our school. Upon arriving at the tailgate everything seemed to be alright. Little did I know, I would be learning a hard lesson that night. When everyone began to walk over to the football stadium for the start of the game, a friend of mine who had rode with someone else, asked me to put a bottle of alcohol in my car until after the game because he had nowhere to put it. Knowing that it was wrong to have alcohol, I still tried to help my friend out. I quickly walked it over to my car and was beginning to pour it into a plastic bottle so that it would not look suspicious. While transferring bottles, an undercover police officer pulled up behind me. I immediately knew I was in more trouble that I could imagine. Even if you think you may be making the right decision, you sometimes are not. I thought it would be...
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...Dhnwioknhtwenfkwnsejkfnkqwjne fjkwnefknwejkfnkwjnefkjnwekfwew Wadja idjioa wjdio ajwodijawi odjio wjd oawjw dioja wodjoa wjdio waijdo wjodj Awkd nw dhu iaw hndiwanh dihawni dhaw iu d h uiw hdiawhdia wnh djin hawaw dnw ajn Awkd jnaw kdb na nd ak dnw dia wndaw ndiawn diwn idn wiodja wijdo ijwao wiodjoj Kdnhawdnk wd awdi wdiwudanhdkb jkfbkzxjcbn jke wd kskcmn zx,ncw Jknczxmnc dnc sklcm lwkm dlkam dkwjod jwioc jk sejkfn dnua hskjdn kasdhniq Whd niawn wdiasnd wdiaush qwdehi wauhrn werhweuit er hjsef awjd wija d aioj d aow d A wd awg wih uwhd ehf ejfj ejfn aiowj oaiwq jaao dwijd aosjd oaw] W doia wid awid awiodj oaj wijd awjid jw wiod aowijdoa woi aoiw do aiwjd aowi dajo widjoa wi wid awh oaiwj iqw hybvh jbvhjbger e fefj w hoaw wdawsh uih aswuhd ajn d cjn w da wdi oaiwjw id awiodoa oiw iodjowdj ao owjd;fle;fk; awd awhdihwid I uihd a a wd ao w iowi iw dj aoi a ad aoiw diajwi ao wio awijd iawoj aiwjd w d ia io iojdo widjj iowj wijd aoiw oawijd aoi wd a j oij dia ioaw jdiajw awdbnwkndjk jwjd jhdj n ahwudh wd h wd aw wid a w da wdioawd iojaw w w widj w d wduwh dahw dbh ajwbda wd s d w we w a wawaw awaw jdhfj mnvmnmn mnmn mnmn hfhefjh fejiu iujefe oalksjdkla djw aklwjdjk ssksksk djdjdjksj ajkajlskjd wkejjwej w w w ppasopa iwdiowu qw w as ass ikjiweuei askcn asc jdwjda ihsa woi wdeiwu wa wa akdjadw jd wiuwiod awd aw...
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...Edexcel Level 3 Extended Diploma in Business Harrow High School Unit 2: Business Resources Grade P1 | P2 | P3 | P4 | P5 | P6 | P7 | P8 | P9 | | | | | | | | | | M1 | M2 | M3 | M4 | D1 | D2 | D3 | D4 | | | | | | | | | Overall Grade P | | M | | D | | Deadlines Date Issued: | Date Due: | Date Submitted: Date | Declarations Student: I declare that the work submitted in this assignment is my own work and any resources used have been acknowledged. I understand that false declaration is a form of malpractice. I understand the requirements of this BTEC Level 3 National Certificate in Applied Science. I have been offered constructive feedback and the opportunity to improve my work. Assessor I declare that I have issued the relevant resource material. I ensured that the student understood the requirements for the completion of this course. The student named above completed the work that is submitted and the work is their own. Student Signature | Assessor Signature | Date | Date | Unit 2 – Business Resources At the core of every organisation are the human, physical, technological and financial resources that enable it to function. This unit will give learners a broad understanding of the importance organisations place on managing their resources efficiently in order to achieve their objectives. It is important that learners are able to relate their understanding of resource management to a real organisation...
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...Case Study: ABC University The sessional and part time instructors at ABC University have been on strike for several weeks now. Attempts to come to a resolution of the conflict have come to a complete standstill. Talks, when they do start, become called off rather quickly. Both sides see the other as being intransigent and both sides feel their own perspective has not been heard by the other. In the midst of all of this are the students who have been out of school for a long time. The faculty too is frustrated as they feel caught in the middle between the University and the sessional/part time staff. The union for the instructors has been lobbying both students and tenured faculty to take their side in this conflict. The administration has written a few letters to students and faculty themselves defending their perspective. Some background information: Last year, the faculty negotiated a pay raise with the University of a 5% increase over a period of 3 years. In contrast, when the sessional/part time instructors’ contract came up for renewal this year, the University offered these instructors an increase of only 2.5% over a period of 3 years. The sessional/part time instructors feel that this difference in increase represents inequity. The University justifies paying sessional/part time instructors less than permanent faculty on the basis that the sessionals are usually young, mainly women, and are used to working for less pay for equal work because differences...
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...Write a phenomenological reflection on the following quote: o "There are many wordless places in nursing care, and these wordless places are some of our finest moments, and they will remain hidden. And that is alright because those moments do not have to be rewarded by others, they are reward enough in themselves." 1. Post your phenomenological reflection in the discussion forum by end of day Friday of Module 3. 2. Read the postings of other students, and thoughtfully respond to at least two other student postings by end of day Sunday of Module 3. The phenomenological quote made me think back to an encounter I had with one of my patients. The gentleman had a heart transplant and he was not doing well at all. He suffered thorough countless complications and major life threatening infections. He pretty much spent the last 6 months of his life in the hospital. Taking care of this man was starting to affect us all. Not because he required a lot, but because it gotten to the point where it felt as if prolonging his life was cruel. He suffered so much. His family just could not let go though. It was to the point where if we touched him he hollered out in pain. This particular day I he was my patient and in report I got that he had a horribly hard night. His wife was in his room when I came in so I went thru my normal routine with him and talked to him a little bit. I didn’t get much of a response. But I could tell when we made eye contact he it was something he wanted...
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...Jay Gatsby is portrayed by Fitzgerald as being many things, and none at all at the same time. He is shown as grand, enigmatic and intense, making him a most alluring character to the reader. Gatsby is often commented on as being one of the most interesting and memorable males in literature, it is because we know nothing of him that makes him such a fixating character. Some critics argue that he is not a dynamic and changing character during the novel, as a child and teenager he was known as James Gatz, a young boy with ambitions and dreams of something more, and in a sense this part of Gatsby has not changed throughout the novel he is shown as this incurable and idealistic romantic who fills his life with dreams. Through the title of Fitzgerald’s novel Gatsby is already presented as a show-man or magician, who is introducing to the audience the sensational show, which is his life. From, this title the audience can presume that the quote from Nick at the beginning of the novel “No Gatsby turned out all right in the end” must be correct, as Gatsby is described as being “great” which implies that he is successful and powerful. Through Nick the audience sees the many faces of Gatsby and all the emotions a human being can have. He is shown as a man in love, a good friend, a successful businessman and the helpless romantic that simply wants everyone to be happy. In chapter one of the novel, Nick Carraway again refers to Gatsby as an important and grand character, the line “the...
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...Okay Okay Okay Okay Okay Okay okay Okay All work and no play makes Johnny a dull boy. Alright Alright Alright Alright Here you go Sure Sure So Sure So Hey You Go Thaway Hi Bye See Ya Okay All work makes Johnny boy dull no play Okay Okay, here you go. Okay Okay Okay Okay Okay Okay Okay Okay Okay Okay Okay okay Okay All work and no play makes Johnny a dull boy. Alright Alright Alright Alright Here you go Sure Sure So Sure So Hey You Go Thaway Hi Bye See Ya Okay All work makes Johnny boy dull no play Okay Okay, here you go. Okay Okay Okay Okay Okay Okay Okay Okay Okay Okay Okay okay Okay All work and no play makes Johnny a dull boy. Alright Alright Alright Alright Here you go Sure Sure So Sure So Hey You Go Thaway Hi Bye See Ya Okay All work makes Johnny boy dull no play Okay Okay, here you go. Okay Okay Okay Okay Okay Okay Okay Okay Okay Okay Okay okay Okay All work and no play makes Johnny a dull boy. Alright Alright Alright Alright Here you go Sure Sure So Sure So Hey You Go Thaway Hi Bye See Ya Okay All work makes Johnny boy dull no play Okay Okay, here you go. Okay Okay Okay Okay Okay Okay Okay Okay Okay Okay Okay okay Okay All work and no play makes Johnny a dull boy. Alright Alright Alright Alright Here you go Sure Sure So Sure So Hey You Go Thaway Hi Bye See Ya Okay All work...
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...Im sabe the babe you know it this is wack I cant believe this but its alright imam figure it out you understand me. Im from new Orleans where people die but I aint dead though. I wanna graduate college. So I can go get it own politically. You understand me. Im sabe the babe you know it this is wack I cant believe this but its alright imam figure it out you understand me. Im from new Orleans where people die but I aint dead though. I wanna graduate college. So I can go get it own politically. You understand me. Im sabe the babe you know it this is wack I cant believe this but its alright imam figure it out you understand me. Im from new Orleans where people die but I aint dead though. I wanna graduate college. So I can go get it own politically. You understand me. Im sabe the babe you know it this is wack I cant believe this but its alright imam figure it out you understand me. Im from new Orleans where people die but I aint dead though. I wanna graduate college. So I can go get it own politically. You understand me. Im sabe the babe you know it this is wack I cant believe this but its alright imam figure it out you understand me. Im from new Orleans where people die but I aint dead though. I wanna graduate college. So I can go get it own politically. You understand...
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...“We gon’ be alright Do you hear me do you feel me? We gon’ be alright.” To an outsider just looking at these words they don’t know what it actually means. What it really means is that no matter what, people who are facing heavy discrimination, specifically African Americans, will be alright no matter what’s thrown at them. Kendrick Lamar is known for the music he has released, the grammy’s he has won, but what he should be better known for is the advances he has made for civil rights. Kendrick Lamar is able to give a voice to all the people out there who don’t have a voice through songs like “Alright,” “The Blacker The Berry,” and “I”. It’s hard to imagine a rapper as a civil rights leader until he’s compared to the likes of Martin Luther...
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..."Love The Way You Lie"(feat. Rihanna)[Chorus - Rihanna:]Just gonna stand there and watch me burnBut that's alright because I like the way it hurtsJust gonna stand there and hear me cryBut that's alright because I love the way you lieI love the way you lie[Eminem]I can't tell you what it really isI can only tell you what it feels likeAnd right now it's a steel knife in my windpipeI can't breathe but I still fight while I can fightAs long as the wrong feels right it's like I'm in flightHigh off of love, drunk from my hate,It's like I'm huffing paint and I love it the more I suffer, I suffocateAnd right before I'm about to drown, she resuscitates meShe fucking hates me and I love it.Wait! Where you going?"I'm leaving you"No you ain't. Come back we're running right back.Here we go againIt's so insane cause when it's going good, it's going greatI'm Superman with the wind at his back, she's Lois LaneBut when it's bad it's awful, I feel so ashamed I snappedWho's that dude? I don't even know his nameI laid hands on her, I'll never stoop so low againI guess I don't know my own strength[Chorus - Rihanna:]Just gonna stand there and watch me burnBut that's alright because I like the way it hurtsJust gonna stand there and hear me cryBut that's alright because I love the way you lieI love the way you lieI love the way you lie[Eminem]You ever love somebody so much you can barely breatheWhen you're with 'emYou meet and neither one of you even know what hit 'emGot that warm fuzzy feelingYeah,...
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...filled with love and pleasure; Happy Anniversary, Love, My joy, my delight, my treasure. Just gonna stand there And watch me burn But that's alright Because I like The way it hurts Just gonna stand there And hear me cry But that's alright Because I love The way you lie I love the way you lie I love the way you lie I can't tell you what it really is I can only tell you what it feels like And right now there's a steel knife In my windpipe I can't breathe But I still fight While I can fight As long as the wrong feels right It's like I'm in flight High of a love Drunk from the hate It's like I'm huffing paint And I love it the more that I suffer I sufficate And right before im about to drown She resuscitates me She fucking hates me And I love it Wait Where you going I'm leaving you No you ain't Come back We're running right back Here we go again It's so insane Cause when it's going good It's going great I'm Superman With the wind in his bag She's Lois Lane But when it's bad It's awful I feel so ashamed I snap Who's that dude I don't even know his name I laid hands on her I'll never stoop so low again I guess I don't know my own strength Just gonna stand there And watch me burn But that's alright Because I like The way it hurts Just gonna stand there And hear me cry But that's alright Because I love The way you lie I love the way you lie I love the way you lie You ever love somebody so much You can barely breathe ...
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...the saint turned out so evil I don't know why i'm still surprised Even angels have their wicked schemes And you take that to new extremes But you'll always be my hero Even though you've lost your mind Just gonna stand there and watch me burn Well that's alright because I like the way it hurts Just gonna stand there and hear me cry Well that's alright because I love the way you lie I love the way you lie I love the way you lie Now there's gravel in our voices Glasses shattered from the fight In this tug of war you always win Even when i'm right Cause you feed me fables from your head With violent words and empty threats And it's sick that all these battles are what keeps me satisfied Just gonna stand there and watch me burn Well that's alright because I like the way it hurts Just gonna stand there and hear me cry Well that's alright because I love the way you lie I love the way you lie I love the way you lie So maybe i'm a masochist I try to run but I don't wanna ever leave Til the walls are going up In smoke with all our memories Just gonna stand there and watch me burn Well that's alright because I like the way it hurts Just gonna stand there and hear me cry Well that's alright because I love the way you lie I love the way you lie I love the way you lie I love the way you...
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...case of fiddle or not to fiddle. DJ2: Yes Azim, but before that we have a very special gift for you to grab, we have 4 pair of tickets to One Republic concert happening on this 23 October, 2 more days to go people, so hurry up and call now at 03-623 3322. DJ2: Lets have our first caller for today, hello whose on the line? C1: Hello its Ali! DJ1: Yea Ali may I know where are you from? C1: Im from Rembau. DJ2: Okay… Ali!! are you ready to win the ticket!? C1: Yeah! DJ1: Alright first I want to ask you what do you understand about corporate governance C1: Well I don’t expect this kind of questions being asked on a radio station, but I think I do know a little bit about corporate governance. It is a system by which a company are directed and controlled. The governance specifies the responsibilities among different participants in the corporation such as BOD, managers, shareholders and other stakeholders. It also specifies the rules and procedure for making decisions in corporate affairs. DJ2: Alright, I see you know your facts very well Ali. So let’s not waste time, here’s the question, in the fiddle or not to fiddle case, the foreign investor contribute capital and operational expense & thus control 51% of the company’s ownership while the local partner took up 49% of the shareholding. So do you think in terms of CG, it is allowed for the foreign partner to have more controlling power than the local partner? C1: Well based on the Chinese law, the foreign participant...
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