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America Pros And Cons

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Our forefathers set out to remove the United States from under the control of Great Britain. “They saw about them, with increasing clarity, not merely mistaken, or even evil, policies violating the principles upon which freedom rested, but what appeared to be evidence of nothing less than a deliberate assault launched surreptitiously by plotters against liberty both in England and in America....”(Bailyn). With this the American Revolution begins and finally gives the people living in the Western Hemisphere what they have craved for so long, independence. With this, on July 7, 1776 in Philadelphia the Declaration of Independence forms by the desires of our nation’s past leaders. Indeed all men are able to pursue happiness as one of the three charters of freedom recognizes. For this reason, the United States of America is regarded as a nation of opportunity, liberty, and justice for all of the country's citizens. Undoubtedly our country as a whole views all people, not just men as equals; the United States government derives its power from the people through voting, and with the laws put in place and enforced the country has done all it can, with this it can be said that the …show more content…
As there always has been, their are people who simply refuse to accept people of different backgrounds, race and religion. It is unfortunate that some people simply may never change and that the United State’s government can do little to nothing about how people treat each other. However, if these people who do disagree with the nation's morals and decide to take negative action, the United States law enforcement is capable of taking action. So even if the the First Amendment rights are violated, citizens will not be oppressed and overlooked liberty will be given and the just actions must take place for the rights of the

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