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Own Your Own Tissue

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There has been a numerous amount of research on body tissue and if it’s legal to own your own tissue or not. Something that is said most of the time is that since it is our body we do own what everything, including our cells. There are many people that think since someone takes your cells out; it belongs to them because they did surgery on it. Now, that is possible but only if they fill out a paper that has their consent and allows the surgeon to keep their cells or use them. Since, it’s something on your own personal body and something you own, asking for permission to take it out and/or use it should be mandatory.
An article named, “Who Owns My Tissue” by J. Mark Waxman mentioned, “Regulations also advise that informed consent documents not include any exculpatory …show more content…
The Voice of San Diego has an article on, “Do We Own Our Bodily Tissues”, and they mention, “If our tissues are our property in the same way as our cars and houses then it seems clear that our tissues should not be taken from us without our consent or used in any way that we have not agreed to and that we should get a share or at least some form of compensation when profits are made from the use of our tissues.” Just in the same way we own our homes, cars, clothes, etc. we own our own tissues that are a part of our own bodies. No matter what surgeon takes them out, there should always be a consent form for the permission to take them out and use them for whatever they feel like doing with the tissue. Inside the consent form there should be a part that explains if the tissue will be used for anything or anyone besides the patient, the money coming out of that procedure should be shared with the patient whom it came from. It’s fair for the patient and the surgeon because they each get half of the profit from the work they have

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