Premium Essay

America's Budget Path


Submitted By Djphf
Words 1910
Pages 8
“America is on a dangerous budget path. Current spending and debt are dangerously high, and future spending and debt are on track to rise even higher in large part due to the increasing entitlement spending” (Boccia, 2013). As recent as February of 2014, congress has decided to yet again raise the debt ceiling for America, this time capping the limit at $17.2 trillion dollars. This marks the fifth effective increase in the debt ceiling since August 1, 2011, when it was $14.3 trillion (Sahadi, 2014). If America continues to raise this limit, how is the debt crisis that our nation is currently experiencing going to affect our businesses; and more importantly, us as individuals in future years? The issues that need to be addressed to see where the root of this problem starts, and where the solution can be found starts with looking at the events other countries have or are currently facing, and how they have come up with strategies to solve their debt crisis. From there we need to focus on the economic trends that we are currently in, and the negative and positive effects that they are having. The effects that will be discussed are how creditors view America, how it affects businesses through prolonged drag and economic growth, and how it will affect the individual with inflation and increase in taxes. As this paper addresses these issues, it will reveal the scary truth of the tolls that will be put on America if they continue with their dangerous budget path. “The warning bells were sounded in early 2009: The U.S. government had to act swiftly and forcefully to avoid repeating Japan’s painful experience of sustained economic stagnation” (Scissors and Foster, 2011). Policies that were set up during the Obama Administration have failed to this point, and America was facing a long-term standstill that may occur unless the federal government decided to take steps toward

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