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American Born Chinese Book Report

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The graphic novel, American Born Chinese, written and illustrated by Gene Luen Yang, tells an amazing story that relates to many Asian kids living in the United States. The main characters are best friends, Jin Wang and Wei Chin, the Monkey King, and Cousin Danee and Chin-Kee, whereas the minor characters include Suzi, Wei Chin’s girlfriend, and Amelia, the girl that Jin Wang likes. Throughout the story, the presence changes from three different narratives, Jin Wang and Wei Chin to Danee and Cousin Chin-Kee to the Monkey King of Flower Fruit Mountain. To clear things up a bit, Jin Wang is representing Danee while the Monkey King is Cousin Chin-Kee who comes to check up on Wei Chin, a monkey from Flower Fruit Mountain that the Monkey King sent down to Earth. It may seem confusing right now which is why everyone needs to read it. …show more content…
He starts going to school and is stereotyped everyday by the white’s because of how he looks or talks. One day, Wei Chin arrives and asks Jin if they want to be friends. At first, Jin didn’t want to be friends with him, but they overcame their troubles. As school progresses, Jin falls in love with this girl named Amelia and Wei Chin starts dating Suzi. Then one day everything changed, after Jin made his big mistake, kissing Suzi. Wei Chin was never the same after this, he literally changed, and it’s because he didn’t want to serve humans anymore (knowing that he is really a monkey from Flower Fruit Mountain). Later, the Monkey King visited Jin and explained everything to him which is what led Jin wanting to make his relationship with Wei Chin better. So, he started waiting for him everyday in a bakery. That bakery was where these two boys apologized and became friends once

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