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American Bulls Vs Pitbulls

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Never judge a book by its cover. One should never prejudge the value or worth of someone or something by its outward appearance alone. Every individual needs its own merits. We are constantly stuck challenging the beliefs of others due to this foolish action.
Don’t bully my breed! The only thing they fight is discrimination. American Bullies and Pit Bulls are the most misunderstood, misinterpreted beings around. One cannot judge these animals for how they are portrayed. One does not know the lives they’ve lived! Each knows its own pain and renunciation.
I have loved American Bullies and Pit Bulls since the day I laid eyes on them. I have been raised around both these breeds and many others. I never believed they could harm me in anyway. These animals are unique, you have to look passed the stereotypes and breed. Your beliefs should be based off what you know for a fact and hands on experience, not what you hear. I challenge the belief that these animals could actually harm someone or be aggressive. …show more content…
My parents got Dice when he was a wild puppy. He was quite mischievous but also very loving. He grew up more as a son and brother within our family than just a Pit Bull or pet. This experience made me realize the perception of this breed is only a myth. I then became more attached and in love with this particular breed and got my second Pit Bull, Xena. She showed the same type of temperament as my first growing up, only a female version. They are loving, caring, obedient and gentle beings. No one knows what something or someone is capable of until they gave them that

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