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American Criminal Justice System Research Paper

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What is the American Criminal Justice System? The criminal justice system I mainly know is the Korean system, which I’m quite sure it would be different from the American system. However, I’m assuming the fundamental principle or structure would be similar; therefore, I will explain what I know. In my opinion, the criminal justice system is a system that is established to control crime and rehabilitate or impose penalties on those who violate the law in order to maintain communal order. Because of the United States’ distinct characteristics in history of forming the nation on the basis of independence of the states, American criminal justice system differs from other nation’s criminal justice system by having different regulations in each state. Most of the criminals are tried in local courts, rather than the federal courts since individual states have police powers and responsibility to …show more content…
Primarily, Congress enacts bills for people to follow, and the legislations about the criminals become the basis of the criminal justice system. The judiciary executes the trial about those who are suspected to have violated the law and some of them would be sentenced to imprisonment or receive other forms of penalty. Unlike civil trials which happen between two lawyers, criminal trials begin with the prosecutor’s indictment. The trials take place on local courts initially. And the suspect will be sentenced guilty, or non-guilty. But there are some drawbacks claimed by some people that US criminal justice system is still biased. According to the article, ‘The New Jim Crow’, many of these indictments seem unfair against certain races; the crime rates were always fluctuating but incarceration rates – especially black incarcerations – have soared regardless of the crime rates, which can be considered as a flaw of the current criminal justice system as it proves that the law enforcement cares only about the number of the criminals and often generalizes certain

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