...America's Post-Civil War Growing Pains Dayna L. Wingert Professor Smith HIS 105 January 22, 2012 In 1865, at Appomattox Court House, Virginia General Robert E. Lee surrendered 27,800 Confederate troops to Grant. This eventually brought about the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution, that abolished slavery in this country. The Thirteenth Amendment states that “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.” (Becker, 1999) This was easily the most significant turning point in the era of Reconstruction. In today's society all races are integrated, this is what creates the American culture. In 2008, all races came together to shatter more than two hundred years of history by electing Barrack Obama, the first African American President of the United States. President Obama put the sentiments of this history making night in to words by stating “Young and old, rich and poor, Democrat and Republican, black, white, Hispanic, Asian, Native American, gay, straight, disabled and not disabled, Americans have sent a message to the world that we have never been just a collection of red states and blue states,” he said. “We have been and always will be the United States of America.” (Johnson, Nove) This is a testament to the end of slavery and the profound impact it has had...
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...merica's Post Civil War America’s Post Civil War Growing Pains HIS 105 – Contemporary U.S. History January 30, 2013 “America’s post civil war growing pains” In 1619, African-Americans were forced into slavery and roughly 244 years later, in 1863, as the nation approached its third year of the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation declaring that all persons held as slaves were to be freed (U.S. National Archives & Record Administration, 2013). Despite the vague verbiage of the Emancipation Proclamation issued by President Abraham Lincoln, the proclamation was repressed in many ways and did not end slavery as implied, or intended (Freeman, J., 2011). In January of 1865, began the downfall of the Confederacy. In the U.S., post Civil War, Reconstruction began abolishing slavery (Freeman, J., 2011). The Union victory at War promised a new future for the South's 4,000,000 freed African-American men, women and children, who were once slaves (Freeman, J., 2011). After the Civil War ended in May 1865, freedom was to put forth new opportunities for the newly freed African-American slaves (Azpiroz, X., 2012). The year following the Civil War, congress passed the Civil Rights act of 1866 (Azpiroz, X., 2012). The civil Rights Act of 1866 declared that all persons born in the United States and not subject to any foreign power, excluding Indians not taxed, are hereby declared to be citizens of the United States; and such citizens, of every...
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...America’s Post-Civil War Growing Pains By Jason Strawbridge Irina Popova-Nowak Comtemp U.S. History 4/22/2012 America suffered growing pains after the Civil War. In my humble opinion, two events were crucial to the growth of the nation. Reconstruction, sometimes known as America’s unfinished Revolution, and the 15th Amendment to the US Constitution, which stated that “The rights of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the US or any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude”. These events catapulted the nation to incredible growth and painful adjustments for the population. Reconstruction was then and is today an on-going project. During the post-civil war times, it was a struggle to unite a divided country and today it is a struggle for those black Americans that still blame their current conditions on the slavery that was forced on their culture so many, many years ago. The 15th Amendment, when passed in 1896, gave the freed men a reason and incentive to fight and get involved in government. Sadly, this great Amendment lay dormant for many years until the 1960s, when another attempt at aligning American sentimentality with the constitution, through the Civil Rights movement. Economically speaking, Reconstruction remains relevant in today’s economy because the issues central to it, the role of the Federal government in protecting citizen’s rights, and the possibility of economic and racial justice...
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...America's Post-Civil War Growing Pains Stacey Planz Strayer University Contemporary U.S. History HIS 105 Professor Regan Smith January 27, 2013 America's Post-Civil War Growing Pains This paper will address the period from Reconstruction through widespread industrialization in the Western United States during the time period of 1865 – 1900. 1. Identify at least (2) two major historical turning points in the period under discussion. The year 1865 began an era of presidential reconstruction. Upon Lincoln’s assassination, Andrew Johnson became president. During this time he unveiled his plan for Reconstruction: (1) scrapping the “40-acres-and-a-mule” plan suggested in the charter of the Freedmen’s Bureau and (2) creating a tough loyalty oath that many southerners could take in order to receive a pardon for their participation in the rebellion (Schultz, 2012, p. 278). Many southern states returned Confederate leaders to political power and they went onto create “black codes” modeled on the slave codes that existed prior to the Civil War (Schultz, 2012, p. 279). Johnson did nothing to prevent the South from re-imposing these conditions on the black population (Schultz, 2012, p. 279). This led The Radical Republican party made up of northerners since no southerners were in congress yet, a time known as Radical Reconstruction. The Radical Republicans moved swiftly to pass the important Civil Rights Act, which counteracted the South’s new black codes (Schultz, 2012...
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...America’s Post-Civil War Growing Pains Alyssa Harpster Dr. James Allen History 105 January 27, 2013 There were three major turning points during the period of 1865 -1900. (Schultz, 2012) states that reconstruction is the federal government’s attempt to resolve the issues resulting from the end of the Civil War. Lincoln (Schultz 2012) says issued a ten-percent plan offered amnesty to any southerner who proclaimed loyalty to the Union and support the emancipation of slaves. Once 10 percent of voters signed the oath in the election 1860, it could create a new state government and reenter the Union according to (Schultz 2012). Another major turning point was industrialization. (Schultz 2012) states that the Civil War stimulated the industrial development, with the expansion of the railroad and numerous scientific breakthroughs. The third major turning point during this period was the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln. (Schultz 2012) Lincoln was shot while watching a play at Ford’s Theater in Washington D.C. With the death of Lincoln, Andrew Johnson became the next President, and he had no concern for the future of the black people in America according to (Schultz 2012). Two major historical turning points on America’s current society are the adoption of the Fifteenth Amendment and advertising. (Schultz 2012) says the Fifteenth Amendment prohibited any state from denying citizens the right to...
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...Since almost the beginning of civilized time art has been a way to express emotions and some have even used art to let go of feelings. There are countless different types of art: music, sculpture, painting, ballet, literature, and others. Every person has a different, defined style of fine art. America has a very distinguished type of literature greatly influenced by the wars of America’s past from the very beginning as colonies to post Cold War United States. Nineteenth and twentieth century America was greatly influenced by the Civil War. There was a great suffrage movement happening at the same time, the Civil War and Reconstruction Era. One type of art used to express feelings is poetry. Emily Dickinson stands out as a poet of the Civil War and Reconstruction Era because her poetry communicated her...
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...scientists have classified five distinct party systems in American history. First being the Federalist vs. Democratic-Republicans or Antifederalist (Brewer 2012, 26). This was the period to settle the disputes of the post-Independence and the early growing pains of a new nation. Followed by the second period led by an “Era of Good Feeling” (Brewer 2012, 28) and then captured by the Jacksonian Period. Followed by the third system or post-Civil War period. Known for the patronage jobs distributed by huge political machines (Brewer 2012, 35). Followed by the fourth political system or “Era of Reform” (Brewer 2012, 39). Commonly referred to as the “Two Republican Eras” that sandwiched...
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...Assignment #1 – “America’s Post-Civil War Growing Pains” By Keith A. Watterson Strayer University Dr. Hammons Spring 2013 Two major historical turning points from the period in United States history know as Reconstruction, (1865-1877), were; how to integrate rebel states back into the nation and the social dilemma of how to integrate four (4) million newly freed slaves. This paper will show that almost all major problems faced by all people, (regardless of color or ethnicity), during this period, stemmed from these two conditions. These two turning points have an effect on current society in many ways. Though slavery has been over for many decades, America is still feeling the trickle down effects of this long gone institution. Black and White relations in the South (and North) though much, much better than many years ago, still has pockets of racism throughout the country. Also, though it is not as blatant as in the past, people still possess some of the same prejudices that they did in the 1800’s. Personally, this became evident to me during the last presidential election. Many people did not listen to what either candidate was saying but looked directly at their color, race, and ethnicity. I think this election divided America, though no one would say it publically. Once it was decided, everyone made their feelings known by saying “well I did not vote for this program or that program”, which was just another way of saying I did not vote for the candidate that...
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...THE GROWING PAINS OF RECONSTRUCTION AND INDUSTRIALIZATION IN THE POST-CIVIL WAR ERA AUGUST 5, 2012 The Civil War marked a critical time in American history which left behind deep wounds of a divided nation which took years of healing. Although we have come a long way, the infected idealology that existed then still manifest itself in the form of overt and covert racism. One major turning point during the period immediately after the war was termed Reconstruction. In 1865, many Confederate soldiers returned to a devastated South whose farms, factories, railroads, bridges, and entire infrastructure had been destroyed. Immediate rebuilding started with the physical rebuilding progressing quickly. Yet, the rebuilding of southern society proved to be a harder task. Rebel states had to be integrated back into the nation and four million newly freed black slaves had to be integrated into southern society (Schultz, 2012). Reconstruction in the South is considered to be the time period from 1865 to 1877 following the war. In 1863, shortly after issuing the Emancipation Proclamation, Abraham Lincoln issued the Ten Percent Plan. This plan allowed southern states the right to establish a new government if one-tenth of its’ prewar voters took an oath of loyalty and supported the emancipation of the slaves. This was needed to abolish slavery and allow the state back into the union with full privileges. Lincoln was attempting to drain the Confederacy and shorten the war by...
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...There are few societies in the world’s modern history that have been more invested in the concept of race than the United States. In fact, the first black president, Barack Obama, will end his term in office in 2016 and while this may seem like a respectable accomplishment for the United States in regards to our history with racism and inequality, I only have to speak to my relatives to understand we have a long way to go until Americans see individuals for their accomplishments rather than their race. In President Obama’s inaugural address he made a hint to the end of a racial era. “…because we have tasted the bitter swill of civil war and segregation, and emerged from that dark chapter stronger and more united, we cannot help but believe that the old hatreds...
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...Americas Post Civil War Growing Pains 1865 to 1900 Robert Ryals Contemporary U.S. History Professor Terry Hammons October 23rd 2012 Abstract This paper is going to incorporate the key elements that contributed to the early revolution within American History. We are going to discuss the Presidential and the Congressional Reconstruction which occurred between 1865 to 1867, and how it laid the foundation to the dramatic changes of governmental ordinances and political ethics. Following that, we will discuss the ratification of the 15th amendment, enactment of the “Jim Crow” laws, Civil Rights Act, Wounded Knee, and the Spanish American War. This essay will attempt to illustrate the events that wrought change to the Americas, the key fueling factors in the momentum of change. The Presidential Reconstruction began with Andrew Johnson’s impeachment. Johnson possessed a background that mirrored Abraham Lincoln’s. Johnson was raised in poverty, which fueled his drive for prosperity and aided in his development into a businessman. Johnson was also a very qualified candidate for the presidency and boasted a politically accomplished resume.(Jenkins, 2003) Unfortunately, Johnson’s extreme disdain for the slavery lead to his demise, this was often translated into the belief that his plans for American restoration and reconstruction would be extremely detrimental to southerners, even worse then Abraham Lincoln’s...
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...The Scars of War Lou Hampton United States History 1763-1877 September 18, 2012 During the 1840s and 1850s, great change was coming to America. Northerners lived in a world of change in which they hardly understood. Their confusions and anxieties of that world made them ready for conflict. However, it was not completely clear what they were fighting for. The war wiped away their confusions and revealed to them where they stood and defined what kind of people they might be. Social and economic changes were happening as the North headed toward war. The economy accelerated, increased output, generated more wealth, moved products and people at faster speeds, transmitted information more rapidly and linked distant places by rail, telegraph and newspapers. New inventions, industries and products had sprung to life. The population multiplied six fold and the amount and size of cities were continuing their growth. There were 400 places with over 2,500 people. Swelling its possibilities, the nation expanded in size when in 1845 Texas joined the Union. Another factor in the nation’s growth was in 1846 when the Oregon territorial boundary was settled. The sudden economic growth was not as beneficial as it seemed. Per capita wealth was growing but there was a decline in actual wages. The North controlled about 92 percent of the wealth. This helped fuel sectionalism because the Southerners became afraid that they would lose their own culture and power in Congress. This...
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...The labor movement gradualy gained strength, culminating in the 1894 strike by railway workers against Pullman Company. The strike was finally broken by a court order and intervention by the troops. Achievements and failures of the labor movement of the post Civil War period: The major criticism of the labor movement is found in these few areas : 1. Labor movement was restricted to the skilled tradesmen only and did not take care of the interests of the non - skilled labor, women, and non - white workers. 2. The leadership took no interest in expanding the mas base of the unions, and had never shown any interest in fighting the slavery of African-Americans. Regarding achievements, an answer posted on ‘Yahoo Answers’, a ‘question - answer forum’, lists the following as the major successes of the American Labor Movements: • Securing the end of child labor. • Ensuring the 8 hour work day and paid overtime. • Securing workers' compensatory benefits for workers injured on the job. • Securing unemployment...
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...Beloved Research Paper Prompt #5 Final Infanticide, neglect, rape, starvation, and loss are all terms describing what the institution of slavery may result in. These same words, however, can very easily fit to summarize Toni Morrison’s Beloved, a story that not only captures the overall theme of slavery, but also delves into a deeper understanding of what these hardships entail. Within it’s controversial pages, Toni Morrison’s Beloved properly and accurately portrays slavery’s brutality and harsh conditions. It is true that the Middle Passage was the largest migration of any group of persons, but no historian could completely grasp what trials and tribulations that this event encompasses. In Beloved, Morrison demonstrates just one of the many cruelties during the long journey across the Atlantic. Sethe recalls the sexual violence her mother encountered while being brought from Africa and the trauma brought about by such. Both Sethe’s mother and Nan were “taken up many times by the crew” (Morrison 66). During the travel to the New World, women were within a closer proximity to the deck and thus, closer to the white men on board. These black women on board were “prey to captains and crew members who would often rape them”, along with other forms of violence to keep order (Rice 9). Sethe’s mother was so affected by the traumatic experience that she murdered her children that were conceived from the white men raping her. This idea of sexual violence is not an exaggeration...
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...UVA-BC-0177 THE THIRD BATTLE OF BULL RUN: THE DISNEY’S AMERICA THEME PARK (A) When you wish upon a star, makes no difference who you are. Anything your heart desires will come to you. If your heart is in your dreams, no request is too extreme. . . . —Jiminy Cricket On September 22, 1994, Michael Eisner, CEO of the Walt Disney Company, one of the most powerful and well-known media conglomerates in the world, stared out the window of his Burbank office, contemplating the current situation surrounding the Disney’s America theme park. Ever since November 8, 1993, when the Wall Street Journal first broke the news that Disney was planning to build a theme park near Washington, DC, ongoing national debate over the location and concept of the $650 million park caused tremendous frustration. Eisner thought back over the events of the past year. How could his great idea have run into such formidable resistance? The Controversy Comes to a Head Eisner’s secretary clipped several newspaper articles covering two parades that took place on September 17 in Washington, DC. Several hundred Disney opponents from over 50 anti-Disney organizations marched past the White House and rallied on the National Mall in protest of the park. On the same day in the streets of Haymarket, Virginia near the proposed park site, Mickey Mouse and 101 local children dressed as Dalmatians appeared in a parade that was filled with pro-Disney sentiment. Eisner was particularly struck by the contrast between the two pictures:...
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