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Amiah Drilly: The Evolution Of Communication

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The Evolution of Communication
By: Amiah Lilly

Today as we sit down in our rooms on an electronic, and marvel at how fast and efficients things are, we don’t really think about how humanity got to this point. The technology we have today has evolved from multiples of communication devices. For example; smoke signals, carrier pigeons, telegrams, call up internet, landlines, etc. People wanted to share each other’s calls and messages faster and more discreetly. So they came up with new ways to do these things, which brings me to these forms of communication.
Created in the 1830s and 1840s, the telegram was made to exchange messages through a code called Morse Code, named after the inventor of Morse code and the telegram, Samuel Morse. As soon as the telegram was invented, it became popular quickly. The telegram was used to transmit electro signals and were written down as dashes and dots. The dashes and dots represented letters so that people could translate and understand the messages they were receiving. This an all-known form of communication because it was known for being used in the Civil War. President Abraham Lincoln used the telegraph to give demands to …show more content…
In 1895 where an Italian man named Guglielmo Marconi bilt the first ever radio, when he made it he also made his first ever broadcast in Italy in 1901. Although, it did no voice or music was heard, but instead it made a buzzing sound similar to Morse code. On Christmas Eve in 1901, the radio broadcasted a voice. Once this happened, a device called a coherer was created to decipher radio waves and make sounds clearer to human ears. It’s like the receiver of a telephone, the radio waves from the other device or telephone transmits into the coherer to make it clear enough to where we can understand what the other person is saying. As these two devices come together, this brings me to the device that we use all day

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