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Lead Shot Research Paper

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When it comes to lead, a known neurotoxin, many people tend to air on the side of caution. For this reason, lead was removed from paint and fuel in the 1900's, and the discovery of lead in an area's water supply from lead pipes continues to be a heated topic (fact sheet.) However, for the many ways that humans deliberately limit their lead exposure, there is one area in which the presence of lead is routinely overlooked. Lead ammunition, which has historically been used in hunting large and small game animals, remains a large area of lead exposure. But when it comes to lead shot, the effects on humans pale in comparison to the effects on populations of birds who are never directly shot. In some cases, this goes as far as threatening the survival …show more content…
Excess pellets used during hunting sink to the bottom of bodies of water, such as lakes. In fact, scientists have found as many as 100,000 lead pellets per acre at the bottom of wetland environments (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 1986). This becomes a problem for certain diving waterfowl, like various duck species, who go to the bottom of lakes to dig up food or to consume small rock pieces, which are used as grit in their gizzards to break up food during digestion. In this process, waterfowl can accidentally consume lead pellets, mistaking them for small rocks or food. From there, lead pellets accumulate in birds' gizzards, where the lead is converted to salts and gets absorbed into the bloodstream and liver. For this reason, a bird can acquire lead poisoning from high levels of lead in the blood, even if the pellets have already left their system. If significant quantities of lead are present or the birds' bodies eliminate them slowly, there is a greater chance of them developing lead poisoning. Accidental lead consumption from ammunition is so prevalent that in 1991, the U.S. banned lead ammunition from being used to hunt waterfowl, which acts as a protection for not only waterfowl, but also the birds of prey who eat them (Lahner & Franson, 2009). In fact, before this ban was put into place, an early study estimated that up to 3% of all waterfowl in …show more content…
They eat the remains of birds or other animals, including those that hunters shoot and leave behind. Unfortunately, lead bullets fragment into many pieces as they enter an animal's body. When these predatory birds, such as bald eagles, golden eagles, red-tailed hawks, and California condors, eat these carcasses, they may unknowingly consume smaller pieces of lead, which also causes lead poisoning and eventual death (source). This phenomenon has had a significant effect on California condors, scavenging raptors who solely eat the carrion of animals such as squirrels, cows, sheep, deer, and other birds (The Peregrine Fund, n.d.). Because dead animals are their only food source, they are especially vulnerable to lead poisoning from abandoned kills. The effects of lead ammunition decimated the California condor population to such a great extent that only 22 condors remained in 1982, according to The Peregrine Fund. In recent years, progress has been made in ensuring their survival. At one point, every remaining California condor was living in captivity. Since then, California passed the Ridley-Tree Condor Preservation Act of 2008, which limits the use of lead ammunition in central and southern California where condors are present (Lahner & Franson, 2009). Across California, Nevada, Arizona, and Utah, there are now over 400 condors

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