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Hg Wells War Of The Worlds Summary

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I found it interesting to see how the author incorporated this real-life event that happened on October 30, 1938, where H.G Wells did a broadcast on the radio called, “War of the worlds” that caused chaos to break loose. It is important to note that this was just a skit and Martians had never touched earth, so the green person that Dona sees is really a normal New Yorker not an alien. Through the green person making a face when seeing the lentils, the author shows us that people are not willing to try things that they are not used to (Mexican food in this case). Dona informs the green person that the difference in the food in New York and Puebla Mexico may be different, but it is edible and worth a try. This person’s hesitance to even try the food makes Dona feel as though the person is possessed with a demon, because clearly this person is bloated and in need of some food. Due to the panic and store closures this person ends up trying the Mexican food therefore getting a taste of another culture, which is how Dona metaphorically saves the world. Dona in the midst of the chaos is calm and unselfish. She assisted one, but when she seen another she feeds them as well, and it is implied that she continued to feed others, because she ended up saving humanity by incorporating her culture.

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