Premium Essay

Amst 101


Submitted By sehaj
Words 501
Pages 3
From Sanchez Book -- 9/14
What does he mean by “Becoming Mexican American”

How does this happen in Los Angeles ?

1. What is the reigning cultural attitude in the United States towards those who were not born here? a. Perception that the society is being burdened when reality they were helping build America. b. View point of immigration meant unauthorized, undocumented and that was a clear distinction that they dint belong here. c. The blame game and the end of the stick the immigrants got. d. The viewpoint that there is kind of a hostility, now that they are doctors and engineers.

** Important -> How can we define Mexican ethnicity in the early 20th century? * Sanchez Definition – Not a fixed set of customs surviving from Mexico, but a collective identity that emerged from shared daily experiences in the US.

Statue of Liberty 2. Does this poem from the library museum in the statue’s base represent a genuine attitude? 3. How does the experience of Mexicans migrating across the border in the early 20th century represent a new model of Western immigration history that differs from the Eastern one?

Immigration History :- * Immigrants were a central and necessary factor in the global industries transformation after 800 * Immigrants responded to the advance of market capitalism in agriculture – decline of individual and communal land ownership, growth of industrial market places. * Immigration was an incessant process of social change stimulated by constantly changing market imperatives. * Must examine processes of adaption and transmission/transplantation of culture to maintain social stability amidst economic transformation.
Mexican born Population in the US – Early 20th century Census * 1900 - 103,393 * 1910 – 221,915 * 1920- 486,418 * 1926 – 890,746
