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Revising Argument


Submitted By shaybrea
Words 628
Pages 3
Shayne Wright
24 September 2015
Argument Writing

Texting and driving is never the right thing to do. There is so much that could happen in those few seconds spent looking at the small computer screen. It is only one of many things that can lead the driver to distraction; in fact it is one of the most common. In the United States, all but a small few states have passed a bill to ban texting and driving. In Florida, It is a secondary offense with a thirty-dollar fine. With such minor penalties as a consequence, it is not enough of a deterrent. It is apparent seeing that some people argue with the thirty-dollar fine as being reasonable since the charge is so weak. Therefore, Florida does not do enough to prevent distracted driving.
Many of the citizens in America are in love with cell phones however; using it should not cost lives. When driving, the cell phone should be the last priority. On the author makes a good point in saying, “At 40 MPH you are traveling more than 58 feet per second. So if you look at a text for just 5 seconds, your vehicle has traveled more than 290 feet.” In that timeframe anything could happen. Cars could stop and children could run in front of the vehicle. It is extremely dangerous to have any distractions while driving, especially using a cell phone.
The bill was passed in Florida in 2013. However, it is merely a secondary offense. While it is great that is illegal, it is only enforced if another traffic violation has been committed. Troopers drive by people every day that text while driving. Even lawmakers are addicted to their phones. They do not want to pass it as a primary offense, because by doing so, they would “adopt rules governing personal behavior”. On IIHS-HLDI, there is a list of states showing if it is a law and if it is a secondary or primary offense. Florida is one of three states to have texting and

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