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Amy Cuddy: Faking It Until You Become It

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Words 783
Pages 4
I used to be solely introverted. Though I was content with my behaviour, I always felt that I was missing out. Occurrences as such that have happened include having the praise stolen away from me when I couldn’t share my own answer, or not being chosen for a leadership role. These opportunities were not given to me for being incompetent, I was lacking the confidence and the qualities of an extrovert. In the beginning, I didn’t pursue the change of becoming an extrovert, though the thought of it was in the back of my mind. However, that all changed when I watched a TED Talk video. In this video, the speaker, Amy Cuddy, opened up my eyes, and taught me ways on how to “Faking it until you become it”. She sparked a drive inside of me to follow …show more content…
I chose to place myself within a group of extroverted personalities. From human nature, being around a certain group of personalities for a long duration of time, it was inevitable to take on some of their traits as well. During this time, I discovered that it was painless to share my thoughts because everyone listening was so accepting and open minded. This helped boost my confidence to express myself and share my thoughts as there was no harm in doing so. From that realization, I knew that staying introverted wasn’t going to make me stand out, and overall become successful. This new thought only drove me to further pursue more confidence and the beginning of extroverting …show more content…
I knew that being an introvert was going to be a challenge, but I was determined to change myself for the children. While participating in activities, I gave my best effort to be friendly, enthusiastic, open, and loud. I didn't get to 'fake' these traits for just an hour, but on multiple occasions from the help of my associates. My leader handed me these opportunities to practice, or 'fake' an extroverted personality. As I continue in my leadership role, I discovered my extroverted personality keep on growing as I am challenged with many different

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