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Okinawa Research Paper

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The circumstances of the relationship between Okinawa and the Empire of Japan are that most Japanese people are discriminating Okinawa, and the Empire of Japan had abandoned Okinawa during the World War 2. Okinawa is one of the most discriminated islands and one of the most abandoned islands in Japan. The area of Okinawa is 2271km² and it is 44th smallest country that exists in Japan. The population of Okinawa is 1,433,566 people which is 25th in all around japan. In 1945, there was a battle of Okinawa taken place in the centered of Okinawa during the world war 2. There were a large proportion of American soldier approaching to Japan, which were inconceivable for Japanese soldiers to stop so as a consequence, they abandoned Okinawa as time …show more content…
The present situation in Okinawa is that everyday, military war airplane fly over a house, which makes the people in Okinawa stressful, pain in the neck and fear. Furthermore, there are some cases where Japanese women being raped or get violation from an American soldiers. This is becoming the most important issue debated around Okinawa and there are some people shouting out for anti military base demo and repelling for the government to revise the Japanese law that target the military base in order to emphasize how bad Okinawa are being discriminated contrast to other places in Japan. And there are two big reasons why discrimination had occurred and why this keeps pursuing on this occasion. First reason is the media, and the second reason is people conceiving low consciousness against …show more content…
Talking about the media, we hear a lot of news and topics about Okinawa which are actually inaccurate. Many people in Tokyo read newspaper from a large media such as Asahi newspaper, Tokyo newspaper, or Keizai newspaper. Asahi newspaper does have a topic about Okinawa on the internet, but some of the sites are locked and to be able to read the whole article, we need to make an ID or buy the premiere version of this site which is ridiculous since newspaper are provided for everyone to read, and that we have the rights to perceive what is going on at present. On the other hand, Tokyo and Keizai newspaper are more trustworthy, this two media exhibit more accurate observation since these two media observe from a diverse view of point. For instance, Asahi newspaper only talks about how the incidence in Okinawa is increasing every year and it doesn’t really mention about what those incidents were or how it happened. In addition, Asahi newspaper also mentions about the Futenma military base, and how they want the territory back for Okinawa’s increase of economy and their business condition by expanding the land of Futenma military base. However, on Asahi newspaper it describes that Okinawa is commencing a demo to destroy the fence without unconditional or absolute. Therefore, it characterizes Okinawa people as a coward which they are not really a cowardice. Compared to Tokyo media, when we look at Okinawa’s media, it emphasis different perspective

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